
2015 聖誕大餐 X'mas Feast 2015


X'mas Holiday is almost going to its end. Have you already received best wishes and gifts from your beloved relatives and friends?


Although there's no special tradition in Taiwan, there're some unnamed rules in Germany and Italy:


Not as we thought or learned, 
the biggest X'mas feast isn't served on Christmas Eve, but on Christmas Day, in Germany and Italy.


The main course on a german table is the X'mas goose! So far the varieties could be also carp, duck and suckling pig, which comes with cabbages. Usually a traditional german family have only potato salad and sausages as X'mas Eve dinner with Lebkuchen and Stollen for dessert.


Even though there're too many varieties in every italian regions, according to my own experience after so many years having celebrated with my dear italian family, comparing to X'mas Feast on 25. Dec., the X'mas Eve dinner is still simpler.
Traditionally an italian family shall have fish as main course because of religious reason, even for the first course of pasta. Of course, there will be also traditional dessert such like Pandoro and Panettone. (Because they're kind of huge, most of my friends have them as breakfast after the holidays...)

義大利人和臺灣人一樣,天生下來就有張大嘴!(其實就是很愛吃......) 前一晚不能大口吃肉太委屈自己,所以第二天自然要補回來!因此,聖誕節當天的午餐才是真正的「大餐」!開胃菜、第一道、二道、甜點、水果、起司盤樣樣來!

Italian, just like us Taiwanese, is born with a big mouth! (Which means, we love to eat...) Since we weren't able to treat ourselves well the evening before, we will need to make up to ourselves on the next day! So, the real "feast" is actually served at noon on 25. Dec.! Appetizer, the first course, the second course, dessert, fruit, cheese plates etc.!


So far, I believe some of you are already quite interested for the X'mas menu in Europe, right?
This year as the first time I celebrate this holiday in Germany, I do make us a heartwarming Christmas Menu:

平安夜晚餐 Christmas Eve Dinner: 
(Because I was spoiled in Italy, I shall not settle for only potato salad and sausages on X'mas Eve! Luckily, my other half isn't an extreme traditionalist, haha!)

Appetizer: Cream Crab Pottage

Main course: Spiced Roast Salmon

Dessert: Almond-orange Ice Cream

聖誕大餐 Christmas Feast: 
 (Even though we did treat us quite well last night, one still deserves to be spoiled by the other!)

Appetizer: Caprese Fritta

Main Course: X'mas Goose al Yông Xù
(料理前 Before)
(料理後 After)

Dessert : Tiramisù al Massi


After X'mas Eve Dinner it's the present-time, which is different from Italy, where people wait until midnight to open their gifts. I hope german Children don't have problems with indigestion...
This year there're more packs and guests under our golden Christmas tree!
What kind of gifts did you get? And how did you celebrate in these days? Why not share with us?


夜深何處去,何不來SUB聚聚? Where to go? Why not SUB?


Everytime when I come to a new city, except of visiting all the touristic spotlights; I always wonder, how the citizens of this city spend their evenings and nights.
Is it peaceful like a silent night, or sparkling like Madonna's concert?


As the third biggest city in Germany, there's definitely no lack of night life in Munich!
All these kinds of informations around Munich, such as food, drink, clubs, transportation etc., shall be one of the most important themes of this blog.
I will be delightful to hear some thoughts or comments from you as well!


As one of the pioneers in Europe, Germany does walk in the front of LGBT humane rights supporters; therefore, the german folks do generally accept LGBT discussion and concepts. Night life scenes like discos, bars, restaurants, etc. which are focus on LGBT clients are also pretty common in big cities.
(Unfortunately, even though in recent years many european countries did more efforts to support LGBT rights, such as legal homosexual marriage and children adoption; however, Germany, this time, didn't move forward, instead of going further, it still sticks with its life-partner bills, which was established in 2001. That's also the reason, why recently many german LGBT groups try to pressure politicians. So far some taiwanese politicians also use this kind of old-fashion bill to stall LGBT groups in Taiwan, it's quite obvious that they want us to make the same wrong detour like Germany did 14 years ago!)

今天我想要介紹(推薦)我在慕尼黑最常去作客的一間酒吧 - SUB!
SUB,全名為SUB Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München e.V. 

Today, I would like to introduce (recommend) you one of the most visited bars in Munich - SUB!
SUB, the full name is Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München e.V.
I believe some of you might already think: "Gosh! What a lousy name for a bar it is?!"
In fact, SUB is actually one of the biggest LGBT institutes in Munich!

基於1980開始的同志遊行訴求(CSD, Christopher Street Day-Demostration),1986年起,慕尼黑的所有同志團體皆由一個非營利組織來領頭協辦,也就是我們的SUB。1986年成立後,一開始在找尋適當的「家」時,曾遭遇幾次波折,從Auenstraße搬到Müllerstraße,在Müllerstraße上也搬了好幾次家,直至2011年,才在我們目前的位置上安居:Müllerstraße 14號。

Based on LGBT parade (CSD, Christopher Street Day-Demonstration) since 1980, in 1986 SUB was founded as an non-profit organization for all LGBT groups in the city. Since 1986 SUB had been looking for a right place to settle down, from Auenstraße to Müllerstraße, from 44. to 38. and then from 43. to 14. in 2011, where it locates now.


Except of providing diverse LGBT information, holding different kinds of activities and lectures, SUB also provides art exhibits, a library, legal and psychological counsel and HIV-prevention services. There're also plenties of interesting groups to join in.
As the pioneer of LGBT movement, of course there's no lack of diverse events: LGBT Street feast like Hans-Sachs-Straßenfest, CSD organization every year and LGBT Ball in the city hall pro year etc., they're all in the working range of SUB.
However, today's main point is also really important, the SUB café!

SUB café的最大理念是讓造訪的人們感受到歸屬感,也因此,咖啡酒吧的大小事全是由個人志工或團體來營運,並將收入轉變成讓慕尼黑同志運動繼續成功下去的基金!

The core of SUB café is to make people who visit us feel belongingness; therefore, this café is actually run by volunteers, and they turn all the profit into the foundation of continuing LGBT movement in Munich!
SUB café is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year from 7 p.m. (It starts at 3 p.m. already on Saturday.) with our friendly volunteers. In here you can find diverse snacks and drinks, and participate all different special theme-events, such as cakes and coffee on Saturday afternoon, the Karaoke competition on every first Saturday of the month. And there're also parties, when it's time for Carnival and Halloween!

SUB café位於Müllerstraße 14號的地面樓層。其抵達方式也相當簡單,搭乘地鐵前來的朋友們,乘坐U3/6到Sendlinger Tor後,轉乘地面電車16或18一站(站名即Müllerstraße),再向前步行不到兩分鐘,就能看見窗上貼著斗大「OPEN HEARTS」的SUB大門了!

SUB café locates at the ground floor of Müllerstraße 14.. It's pretty easy to get there: First, take underground U3/6 to Sendlinger Tor, then change to tram 16 or 18 for only one stop (which's exactly called Müllerstraße), then walk along the street for less than two minutes. So you will see the huge slogan "OPEN HEARTS" in front of the main door of SUB!


Other information of SUB can be found on the official website and Facebook page.


Next time when you're after school or work and wanna grab a drink comfortably, or when you're just at home on the weekend and getting bored, why don't you come to SUB and meet some new friends? I believe, we won't let you down! Perhaps, you can even see me serving you a drink!


造訪德南的中繼站 - 慕尼黑中央車站 Start point for southern Germany - Munich central station

今天就讓我稍微介紹一下慕尼黑的中央車站(德文:München Hbf)。

When we plan for a journey, we usually set a start point or an intermediate station,
for the tourists who are heading to Neuschwanstein, Zugspitze, Königssee, etc., Munich central station could be the most convenient start point!
Today, let's talk about the main station of Munich, München Hbf.

日前大家所熟悉的慕尼黑中央車站,是1849年由Georg Friedrich Christian Bürklein所設計,並用來取代1839年舊車站的新車站。十九世紀末期多次擴建,並於二零年代實現電氣化,目前佔地七十萬平方公尺,並列為德國國鐵二十一座一等站之一。

The München Hbf we have right was built in 1849 and designed by Georg Friedrich Christian Bürklein to substitute the old one in 1839. End of the 19th century was multiply renovated and in '20 was successfully electrified. Right it's more 700000 square meters wide and one of the 21 first class stations in Germany.
As the centre of bavarian railways, its number of daily travelers is more than 450000, which could be seen as a competitor with Hamburg Hbf!


Besides of the connection with S-Bahn, it's also connected with U1/2/4/5 and trams. From the main entrance from the Bahnhofplatz, both sides of the hall are ticket offices of DB, along with plenty of shops like bakery, stands and souvenir stores, upstairs there're also fast foods, which's really convenient for travelers.
Going forward to the middle hall, besides of the small supermarkets and food stands on the left side, on the right side, there's a DB traveller center, which provides more information and services than other small stations.



On the platforms hall, the main tracks from 11 to 26 are just in front of us. Except the train going to Salzburg usually departs from 11, the trains heading to spotlights such as Neuschwanstein and Zugspitze usually departs from platforms 27-36. When you come to this station for the very first time, don't panic when you can't find the signs of 27-36, you just need to go the right side of the hall. There you can see the sign and go along the track 26, then you will get to the side station! As the same, for the platforms 5-11, you need to go the side station of the left side!


Main station is usually the start point for travelers, who come to the city for the first time. Next time, when you arrive in a new city, why don't you try to get to know its design and its periphey? It could be really helpful, once you get into an emergency situation!


聖誕月曆、聖誕蠟燭與聖尼可拉斯 Advent Calendar, Advent wreath & St. Nikolas


I believe most of us who just come to Germany (or Europe) will have a totally different image of Christmas holidays as before.
Although we were taught by our parents as we were kids that if we put socks on the christmas tree, santa shall come with presents; however, nowadays the young generation in Asia usually celebrate this holiday with parties until dawn, which doesn't quite match the original meaning of christmas.


Today I would like to introduce the advent calendar, advent wreath and Nikolaus chocolate, which are really popular during this season.


The so called advent calendar could be bought since November, which contents diverse surprises like the lottery in our childhood. No matter it is a normal chocolate calendar in supermarket or delicate calendar from perfume shops. From 1st Dec. to 24th Dec., everyday you can open one new page to get what hides inside!


Advent calendar was invented in 19th century. Each family would hang 24 pictures on the front wall, one per day until 24th Dec.. Later it was simplified as a wooden set with 24 small pics, from which kids could move away one per day, until the original art work shows completely.


In recent years, there're more and more different sorts of advent calendar. Besides of the perfume calendar mentioned above, there're also audiobook calendar (Everyday you will get a new short story), App calendar (From it, you can download a new software everyday) and also a giant calendar, which is made from a real house with 24 windows (like the one in X'mas market in Dachau, which I introduced in the other article: Dachau's X'mas market), which provide many diverse surprises every year!


About the advent wreath, it was made with four candles and evergreen wreath. The four Sundays before X'mas are called advents, on the first advent you can light the first candle, then on the second the first and the second candles, and so on.


Advent calendar and advent wreath are actually trying, psychologically, to shorten the waiting time for X'mas and to advance the excitement of the holiday. Somehow, it was said to be the original reason of these creations.


In the end, about Nikolaus chocolate, it can be traced back to 1820, and St. Nikolaus is actually the original version of the well know santa claus! In the legend, St. Nikolaus secretly give presents to people. On 6th Dec. every year it's named as St. Nikolaus' Day. The evening before it, if kids put their shoes in front of the door, the next day it will be filled with chocolate! Although you can buy Nikolaus chocolate easily during the whole season, it is traditionally prepared for 6th Dec. and sometimes also for the silent night. In Germany, each year more than 9000 tons of chocolate are made into Nikolaus chocolate! (It stands on the second place only after the eastern bunny, which takes 56% of the products rate of the whole year!)


Except opening a new block each day, the following Sunday is St. Nikolaus and the second advent! Is everybody ready with his/her own Nikolaus chocolate and the second advent candles?


For those who haven't got ones, the following sites could be useful:


世界愛滋病日 - 終結愛滋特快車 World AIDS Day - On the fast track to end AIDS


When someone asks you:
"Do you know what day it is on 10th Oct., 31st Oct. and 1st Dec.?"
I believe everyone can ring the bell in just one second.
10th Oct. is the national day, 31st Oct. the Halloween....
Wait! What is then 1st Dec.?


On 1st Dec., 1981, the first medical case of AIDS was confirmed, then in 1988, it was decided to make this day World AIDS Day. However, because of lack of information, inappropriate education and wrong discrimination, it's not well known in many countries.


Yesterday I read an article about AIDS education.
Same as the author, I was one of the 80's; therefore, it's not unfamiliar at all for me about public health education and seminar around all campuses. In the other word, the blind spot and unreasonable contents were also commonly witnessed.
From "studying alone at home" from my parent's generation, to the text books with delicate pictures which I was reading; the truth is, we kind of only learned the words in the books, so that we can choose the right answers on our papers. Without experience could be the biggest issue in my generation. But how many teachers are really willing to take out a condom and show it to all classes?


HIV can be transferred through body fluid, sharing needles and mother-to-child transmission, which we could remember perfectly before the final exam, is actually a simple proof of incompleteness of this kind of information.
Isn't saliva body fluid? So if I talk to HIV positive or share spoon with them, I will get HIV?!
Mothers with HIV can give it to their babies, so they should consider abortion right away, right?
The answers for above questions are definitely: NO!
HIV could be transferred through saliva (or swear and tear), only if you take at least 6 liter saliva from a HIV positive person at once! Never mind if you are courageous enough to drink 6 liter saliva from someone else, isn't that a big question, if someone's willing to give you 6 liter of his/her saliva?
And, if mothers with HIV do take continuously medication, because HIV don't transfer through genes, their babies can be just healthy as others.


In Taiwan and some other more close countries about this kind of information, AIDS is usually a disease with full discrimination. Schools and our families taught as that if someone gets this disease, the he or she will just die. In fact, if the carrier just continuously has his/her medication, he or she can just live as healthy as other people. Not willing to confront the propagation of information and education makes most of people call AIDS "that kind" of disease and call the carriers "that kind" of people, and makes it sound like everyone with HIV lives in a life of profligacy. Aren't the carrier infected by blood transmission and babies, who got HIV from their mothers, just too innocent to be tagged with this kind of label? Besides, everyone hat his/her right to live in his/her own way.



This year, Taiwan's government erected its first red ribbon decoration in front of the CDC. Also, Taiwan's government finally abandoned the discriminate bill of expelling all HIV positive foreigner from this country without any consideration. This also shows us the other kind of progress that we are making in this small island.
To create a zero discrimination atmosphere in our society is the main purpose of World AIDS Day. Through commemoration and right education of sex and AIDS, maybe one day we will be able to create a world with the disease.



As one of the pioneer countries, Germany do gather people on the squares of its main cities on 1st Dec. for a candle walk through the cities. This year, the candle walk in Munich was held on Odeonsplatz and then walked along to St. Lucas next to the Isar. Besides this action, the whole world provides citizens a lot of methods to show their supports.

From November of each year, people in Germany are able to buy a AIDS-Teddy as donation. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, also made announcement on Twitter to show supports from each retail store in the world; also, there're special actions from Apple online store and iOS App store.

Below there're sites, where you can get to know more about AIDS, while we are actually making this world a better place!


