
德國佬遊臺灣 - 北部篇 III German in Taiwan - Taipei III


Lion Xu and rabbit Wei continued their journey in the North.

"Can chinese people just go back to their land?"


Lion Xu had decided to visit our National Palast Museum to get to know our historical culture.
Lion: "Why are there so many buses?!"
Rabbit: "All from the chinese tourists..."
Lion: "No wonder that you always say that they are noisy, I can already hear them from here..."
Inside the building, even the employees were always trying to tell chinese to lower down their voice, they just ignored the instruction.
Lion: "Aua!"
Rabbit: "What's wrong?"
Lion: "A chinese old lady just kept crushing! Can't they just take line?"
Rabbit: "Are you kidding? Chinese? Line? Are you still sleeping?"
Lion: "Then I will push them back, if they do that again!"
(And it did happen after...) (haha)

"MRT in Taipei is astonishing!"

阿旭獅:「我覺得這就算是尊重多元文化的表現了阿!哪像慕尼黑地鐵只有幾個大戰有英文播報...... 而且一張悠遊卡就可以搭到底,還可以去7-11買咖啡!」

The very first time Lion Xu travelled with public transportation in Taipei.
Lion: "How could it be so clean here in the station?!"
Rabbit: "Every foreign visitor says that! Because it's not allowed to eat and drink here."
Lion: "And there's fence before the track, not like in Germany, either suicide or being pushed down!"
Rabbit: (Why could you talk like it's pretty usual in Germany...)
Lion: "Look! There're even lines to tell people to take queue! Who will do that in Germany?!"
Rabbit: "We even speak four languages in MRT!"
Lion: "I think it's a symbol of respecting different cultures! Not like in Munich, they only have English in some main stations... Furthermore, you can go everywhere with just one card in your hand, even buying coffee in 7-11!"
(Continuing to praise MRT in Taipei)

"Taiwan isn't just colorful with colors, but also with cultures?!"


小緯兔:「這哪算老...... 等下帶你去看更老的!」

We had been from CKS Memorial Hall, to LongShan Temple, HauXi St., BoPiLiau and XiMenDing.
Lion: "My impression of Taipei is always Taipei 101. I didn't expect to see traditional building here in the city center!" (Keep making photos of National Musical Hall)
Rabbit: "I can show you something even older then!"
We then headed to LongShan Temple area for snacks, rabbit Wei even taught Lion Xu how to pray in traditional temple in Taiwan.
Lion: "There're so many different gods!"
Rabbit: "And every of them is responsible to different issues!"
Lion: "That's practical! Which is for love? Which one is for health? And which one if for being rich?"
Rabbit: (So you are really ready to pray, aren't you?...)
Because of the rain, Lion Xu decided to buy a new pair of shoes in Taiwan, so we took a round in XiMenDing and also went into the WanNian Building.
Rabbit: "If you are not able to find what you want here, I'm out of resource..."
Lion: "Definitely! Can't you see how many shoes they have here? And all of them are so colorful as XiMenDing on the street!"
After dinner, we went to Red Building Square to meet two friends of us.
Lion: "It's perfect here! All bars get together, it's just different from Munich!"
Rabbit: "But we have whole street to get drunk in Munich!"
Lion: "But it's uncomfortable to go for other bars..."
Rabbit: (Isn't that laziness?...)
Lion: "At least we can be sure that Taiwan isn't like those homophobic countries. You won't get arrested, and you can freely sit here, chatting and drinking. It's already pretty optimistic!"

Comments from rabbit:


It's world wide well known that taiwanese dislike chinese people...
Beside the politic issue, if you compare the position of locals and tourists, you can see that chinese people do make some inconvenience of our lives.
Let's take National Palace Museum as an example. Rabbit was chatting with one of the employees in the museum, he said: "It's extremely impossible to lower chinese people's voice, even when we make it clear enough with poster and signs. How can we maintain our quality of visiting the museum?"
When rabbit Wei was trying to introduce something to lion Xu in the museum, we had to arm ourselves like in video games, killing the enemies and getting the treasures! (The best time to visit National Palace museum is in the evening of weekend)
Not just the museum, Taipei 101, CKS-Memorial Hall, Sun-Moon-Lake, Ali Mt., Taroko Val etc., can't the government see how disturbing the chinese tourists are? With the promises DPP made before the election to take distance with China, such as contracts and reduction of the number of tourists, if they aren't able to make it real, it just confirms that they, politician, are always willing to lie and get their votes.


After rabbit coming to Europe, I'm astonished how disorganized the metro here is!
Probably I had grown up in Taipei, so it's totally uncomfortable for me to see someone eating in MRT. In fact, I find some of the MRT policies extremely effective and good, such as Easy Card, forbidden to eat and drink, queue lines, protecting fences on platforms and the standing-on-the-right-side rule. They can not only make everything simple, make everything in order, avoid accident, but also save time and maintain high efficiency, no matter if the people who walk on the left side really have something urgent. Please don't believe some ignorant politicians, who did say that only Taipei would do such thing and it's weird. Rabbit would really like to invite them to Munich, where people do follow this rule. Is that disturbing when Taipei MRT publicize this order-maintaining rule? When you come to Europe and try every kind of individualism, even on the public transportation, you will know that Taipei MRT is much, much better!

四海一家的態度,造就了台灣人兼容並蓄的好客性格。除了佛道兩教在寺廟裡共存,基督教與伊斯蘭教也在台灣找到了它們的位置。然而這樣的包容性,日前卻在同志人權方面受到了挑戰...... 即便同志朋友們在紅樓能夠放心地做自己,出了這個區塊,我們是不是依然被剝奪了什麼?我曾經認為,台灣人在沒有基督教的包袱下,兼容並蓄的本質是不是能夠成為第一個承認同志婚姻權的國家;然而,我沒有注意到的是,儒家中庸的思想,可能與排除異己的右派連成一氣。如果我們連接納與自身不同的台灣人民的氣度都沒有,那又何談來的將台灣帶向國際化?身為基督教本營的歐洲,已經在這議題上超越成見,那歐洲在護家盟頂著宗教護航光環的人眼中,又該是什麼樣子?我所認識的歐洲朋友也注視著台灣同志議題的走向,民進黨選前為了獲得同志圈的選票,提出了許多政見與承諾,這一回,我會站在監督的角色,看看究竟這次站在舞台的是只會騙取選票的政客,還是真正有勇氣、不食言的政治家。

From the past to the presence, Taiwan is always effected by multiple cultures. Except of aboriginal tribes, dutch, spanish, han and hakka all provided new energies to this island. This kind of island-character let taiwanese people more willing to accept new things, multiple shopping choices and colorful streets are already an attraction for foreign tourists!
This inclusive attitude creates our hospitality. Buddhism and Taoism live in a same temple, Christianity and Islam also find their place to stand in Taiwan.
However, this kind of tolerance is challenged by LGBT issue recently in Taiwan...
Even we are able to be ourselves on this Red Building square, aren't we still deprived for something else? I thought, taiwanese, without the package of Christianity, should embrace the right of homo-marriage, accounting their own multicultural characters; however, when the moderation meets right wing thoughts, it might diverse. If we don't have the manner to accept our own people, how can we push our nation the international level? Europe, as the home base of Christianity, also passed this barrier years ago, I wonder, how does Europe look like, in those using Christianity to combat LGBT rights people's eyes. My european friends also concern about the LGBT activities in Taiwan and also Asia, DDP promised us a prosperous future, this time, I will stand on the side of supervisors, to see if they deliver their promises and policies, if they are more than just some politicians, who only give us checks to get our votes, which are not going to be fulfilled.

to be continued


德國佬遊臺灣 - 北部篇 II German in Taiwan - Taipei II


We had been to too many places in the North, so there will be a few chapters for Taipei only...
Thanks for your support!

"Why should I take a shower before going to bed?!"

小緯兔:「不知道...... 從小就這樣啊!我早上洗還會被說是怪胎...... 可能是不想把床鋪弄髒吧?一整天下來一定有流汗。不過我就很少流汗......」

After a long day, Lion Xu wanted to jump into bed immediately.
Rabbit's mom: "Yong Xu, if you're not going to take a shower, I will go then!"
Lion: "(shocked) Oh! OK!"
(Rabbit's mom was in the bathroom)
Lion: "hey! hey! Why are you taiwanese taking a shower in the evening?"
Rabbit: "I don't know... We were taught to do that! I was called freak, when I took a shower in the morning... They probably don't want to get their beds dirty. People must sweat after a long long day. But I don't sweat a lot though..."
Lion: "So you are really a freak."
Rabbit: "..."

"Is there a different hygienic standard of restaurant in Taiwan?"


The next day Rabbit Wei brought Lion Xu and Rabbit's mom to 永和豆漿大王 for breakfast.
Rabbit's mom: "Yong Xu, what do you want to eat?"
Rabbit: "I want omelet, fritters and rice milk!"
Rabbit's mom: "I'm not asking you..."
Lion: (looking around) "Well, rabbit, you decide..."
We set ourselves on the table, which's put on the pedestrian arcade.
Rabbit: "What are you looking, Lion?"
Lion: "I'm just thinking that if this shop were opened in Germany, it would be closed quite soon..."
Rabbit: (the milk was almost coming out) "Ha?"
Lion: "See? Over there." (pointing to the corner, where fritters were made)
Rabbit: "Oh..." (watching the dirty floor and causally laid up mops with a guilty conscience)
Lion: "Strange is that your apartment is clean, so taiwanese must like cleanness too!"

"Taiwan's full of touristic resources!"


One day, we took Lion Xu up to the mountain and down to the see.
When Lion Xu saw the Pacific for the very first time, he took so many pictures with excitement!
Lion: "Even though Taiwan is an island, there're mountains like Alps, and deep blue ocean. It's really more than I expected!"
Rabbit: "My teacher in high school once told us that Taiwan is actually a treasure island!" (smiling)
Lion: "What's that smell?"
Rabbit: "Sulfur..." (NO! Don't tell me you wanna go home without hot-spring because of the smell...)
Lion: "Oh! Because of hot-spring!"
Rabbit: (hu...)
Once we were in the hot-spring restaurant...
Lion: "Wow! There are private rooms for everyone! I was worried for the public bath..."
After the body was soaked in this wonderful warm bathtub...
Lion: "We got only mineral spring in Germany. Taiwan is definitely better!"
Rabbit: "Right?"
Lion: "But, can we put more cold water in it? It's burning!"
Rabbit: "If you wanna have cold-spring, you should go to Su-Au, not here!"

"Are taiwanese people not fond of alcohol?"


After we got home, Lion Xu was still quite energetic, suggesting that we should have something to drink before going to bed...
Lion: "Where's the nearest bar?"
Rabbit: "Ha?! We don't have that here... We need to go to down town for that..."
Lion: "So taiwanese people always need to go to city center for drinks and dancing? Unbelievable!"
Rabbit: "You are right. Now we can only go to convenient stores..."
We seated in 7-11 with beer.
Lion: "So taiwanese don't hang out for drinks?"
Rabbit: "Of course we still do that. But mostly in down town. After all, we do gather more for dinner."
Lion: "I know that. Taiwanese are talented eater."
Rabbit: (Where's this conclusion coming from?...)  

Comments from rabbit:


Taiwanese usually take shower in the evening, which's different for most of european and american. And i really don't know why! Perhaps we try to avoid to make our beds dirty, but I prefer a fresh start before going out for work. So the conclusion is taking two times shower a day! (Isn't that waste of water?)

相信臺灣人都知道,在臺灣騎樓被攤販、店家和機車佔用的情形相當嚴重,嚴重到人們都習以為常了!更不用說,有人會去清掃那些藏污納垢的角落,然後隔天我們仍然吃著攤販做出來的食物...... 餐廳店家可能清理桌面時僅僅以抹布擦拭了一回,我們仍然坐上桌,吃著稍後端上的菜餚。在我們眼中的日常,在其他人的眼中可以是無法置信的特殊現象。雖然我不能百分之百的篤定,在德國的所以餐廳行號皆百分之百的乾乾淨淨,但至少門面總是會顧到不會引衛生稽查上門的程度...... (笑)

I believe all taiwanese people notice that our pedestrian arcade was always occupied by stands, stores and motorcycles, and it's serious enough to make all of us to get used to it! Not even mention that no one is cleaning all those dirty corners on the street, and even though, we still get our food from these stands... Even the employee only cleans the table with one wet towel, we still seat on the table, ordering food. Our normality could be other's Abnormality. Although I am not able to 100% confirm if all german restaurants are 100% clean, at least they are making the appearance plausible, so the hygiene department won't come... 


We used to say, Yang-Ming Mt. is the back garden of Taipei. But don't all those hot-sprit restaurants and pipes slowly destroying this wonderful nature? Where foreign visitors stayed for a short time is actually our home. How to establish a sustainable development is definitely our first priority.

在大學時代我第一次接觸了酒吧文化。對臺灣傳統家庭來說,酒吧聽起來就是不良份子聚集鬧事、風塵味複雜度極高的地方。然而對歐美人士來說,酒吧只不過是三五好友聚集小酌的休閒場所。也許是歷史文化的進程不同,在臺灣一般鄉鎮市非鬧區的地方,幾乎找不到酒館,導致青少年一到週末就是往鬧區跑...... (計程車大叔應該從中獲得了些利益才是......)

Back in time when I was in college, I first time got to know the bar-culture. For a traditional taiwanese family, it just sounds like a complicated place where all gangs surround. However, to an european, it's just a place where friends gathering and chatting. Probably because of different history and culture, it's really hard to find a bar in residential area in Taiwan, so teenagers alway head to down town in the weekend... (Taxi drivers should actually be glad about that...) 

To be continued


德國佬遊臺灣 - 北部篇 I German in Taiwan - Taipei I


Hello everyone!
Since my last blog it has been more than one month already!
After vacation I had been to Italy for my thesis, only until today I could find some free time to write something else...


As I promised, there's going to be some special episodes to talk about cultural shock,
which can be mentioned during our journey in Taiwan.
I hope you will like it!

"Couldn't we go there by car?"


Lion: "How could that be possible to seat in a plane for more than 15 hours? How could you enjoy your trip like that?"
Rabbit: "Dear sir, Taiwan is an Island! For most of us, a journey for other countries means airplane..."
Lion: "What about smokers?! What about people with acrophobia?!"
Rabbit: (looking at a lion, which has a cigarette with its left hand and pinches rabbit with its right hand) "I have nooooo idea!"

"Asian beer isn't good?!"


Lion: "Do you have your own beer in Taiwan?"
Rabbit: "Of course!" (Handing the bottle of Taiwan Beer)
Lion: "Is it good?"
Rabbit: "Just try it!"
Lion: "Wow! It's better than my imagination!" (PROST with rabbit's mom...)

"Taiwanese eats strange things!"

小緯兔:「誒...... 不是喔...... 是豬血糕......」(原本打算先斬後奏的兔子心虛地說)
阿旭獅:「這人能吃嗎?!NEIN NEIN NEIN!!!」

Lion: "What's this black thing? Black tofu?" (Pointing blood-pudding)
Rabbit: "Eh... no... it's pig-blood-pudding..."
Lion: "WHAT?! How could you eat such thing? NEIN NEIN NEIN!!!"

"Taiwanese love slippers!"


Lion: "Rabbit, do Taiwanese care less of their appearance?"
Rabbit: "Ah?! I beg your pardon?!"
Lion: "See? Everybody's walking on the street with slippers!"
Rabbit: "Because it's more comfortable after work for just buying take-out on the street!"
Lion: "In Germany, we only wear slippers at home."

"Where did all these people come from?!"


Lion: "How come is it so crowd on the street? How many citizens live in Taipei?"
Rabbit: "Around 9 million..."
Lion: "WHAT?! 9 milion?! No wonder I am feeling suffocated!"
Rabbit: "Remind me not to take you traveling to Shanghai, otherwise you might be drown by people..."

"Why is there no central heating in Taiwan?!"


Lion: "Why don't you have central heating? It's freezing here at home!"
Rabbit: "It's only for couple of months!"
Lion: "And you guys seat there with snow coats, having dinner..."
Rabbit: (embarrassed) "Then why is there no air condition at home in Germany?!"

Comments from rabbit:

從小到大,只要說到出國玩,就很開心可以坐到飛機!對長途飛行毫無問題的我,還真無法體會老煙槍無法抽菸的感受...... 只是覺得,做為旅行中體驗的一部份,如果能夠掙脫層層檢查的枷鎖,應該能夠玩得更盡興吧?

Since I was a child, I was so delighted to take airplane and have a wonderful trip in other foreign countries! I can barely understand the feeling of smokers who cannot smoke for more than 10 hours... But, if there's way to avoid all these controls in airports, I bet it would be more comfortable, right?


Although I am not a fan of Taiwan Beer, at least comparing to Heineken we should be proud! On the other hand, there's no reason not to show the big boss of beer our capability of making beer! But I guess, we're not able to drink as much as German are... (Maybe that's why they have tummies...)


Ginger with pork intestine, intestine with blood-pudding in spicy sauce, stinking tofu, all these couldn't be normaler dishes (I even dream about them) are just like monsters on the table for German! In the fact, it's quite similar as when my family tried Gorgonzola for the very first time. I still remember my dad said to me: "Massimo, did you cook something which is already rotted?!"

穿上拖鞋,去趟全家,對臺灣人來說是再正常不過的生活模式。然而,如果實際來德國走一遭,拖鞋的確是不會出現在公眾場合的。也許有人會認為,五分鐘買杯珍珠奶茶需要注意儀表嗎?難不成還得穿上皮鞋?這樣,的確是太過頭了些...... 不過,阿旭倒是幫大家找了個理由:「台北一直下雨,為了不把鞋子弄濕,難怪大家都愛穿拖鞋!」

Wearing slippers, going to convenient stores, it's just so normal for us Taiwanese. However, if you have ever been to Europe, they won't be seen on the street. Someone might probably think, it's only five minutes to buy a bubble tea, should I seriously put on my leather shoes for that?! Okay, indeed, it's too extreme... But, Lion did have find a good reason for us: "Ah! I got it! Because in Taipei it rains a lot, in order to keep shoes dry, people always wear slippers!"

據維基百科全書指出,大台北都會區擁有超過九百萬以上的人口,為世界第36大都會區!慕尼黑為德國第三大城市,人口僅270萬,也難怪德國佬會覺得臺北擁擠了...... 老實說,臺北之所以給人窒息的感覺,或多或少也是因為到處都是高樓大廈的原因吧?

According to Wikipedia, more than 9 million people live in Taipei Metropolitan area, which is the 36th biggest metropolitan in the world. Comparing to Munich, the third biggest city in Germany, which contains around 3 million citizens, no wonder it's just too crowd for German... Actually, I think one of the reasons, why people feel suffocated in Taipei, could be all these high buildings in the city. 

臺灣人都知道,在臺灣夏天若是沒有冷氣,是會致命的...... 對德國人來說,冬天時暖氣自然也是活下去的必備條件。臺灣南部的冬天不像北部的濕冷,走在街上都比在家裡來得暖和!這也是我認為臺灣北部冬天,若是家中有辦法裝設暖氣的話,應該會舒適許多,尤其是能夠降低家中溼度這一點,更是一大好處!

We, Taiwanese, all know that without air condition we shall not survive next summer... For German, it's central heating. Unlike the winter in the south, in Taipei it's more humid, the temperature on the street is even higher than at home! That's also why I think it's actually an excellent idea to have central heating at home in the north. Don't forget its advantage to lower the humidity at home!

to be continue