
德國佬遊臺灣 - 中南部篇 II German in Taiwan - Kenting II

在台南上完歷史課後,小緯兔總算是把阿旭獅帶到了他肖想已久的國境之南 - 墾丁。

After Tainan, rabbit Wei finally brought lion Xu to Kentin, where he's long for so long...
We were lucky to be able to wear T-shirt and short pants, while it raided cats and dogs in Taipei...

"How could there be this huge difference of temperature?!"

阿旭獅:望著塞進行李箱的雪衣......「越想越好笑...... 幾天前,我還得穿著這件衣服在街上走...... 現在我恨不得身上布料越少越好!」

Since Tainan, rabbit Wei already felt like being back to summer in Taiwan...
Lion Xu: looking at the winter coats in his suitcase... "I can't believe that we were wearing that few days ago..."
Rabbit Wei: "Well, as they taught us in the school, Taiwan hat tropical and subtropical climate, at least we know it's not a lie..."
Lion Xu: "I can finale understand, why you said that people cannot survive without air condition in Taiwan..."

"Hold tight!"

小緯兔:「知道...... 安全帽戴好沒?......」
小緯兔:以時速五十公里前進...... 「我完全可以從你的身體語言解讀出來,哈哈!」

You must ride scooter once you're in Taiwan!
Lion Xu felt so lucky to be able to avoid scooter in Taipei, since it was raining;
however, there was no excuse in Kenting!
Lion Xu: "Baby, be careful! Just be careful!" Holding tight to rabbit Wei with one hand, and to the grip with another...
Rabbit Wei: "I know... Helmet?..."
Lion Xu: Checking it two more times. "Good! No problem! Don't drive too fast!"
Rabbit Wei: "Yes sir..."
Lion Xu: "It's the very first time in my life-time to ride with a scooter!"
Rabbit Wei: Riding with 50km/h... "I can totally tell that from your body language, haha!"

"European! Don't forget the sun cream!"

從大灣租了車,一路經過小灣、船帆石,到了鵝鑾鼻公園,還被法輪功宣傳人員誤以為是馬來西亞領隊...... (小緯兔是正港台北兔!)造訪了臺灣最南點,再一路騎車經過了龍磐與風吹砂。小緯兔原本以為阿旭獅到這裡應該就差不多要抗議了..... 沒想到,小緯兔的騎車技術之好,讓阿旭獅再也不會對摩托車之旅心驚膽顫,所以我們就一不做二不休地繼續向前騎!
經過了讓阿旭獅不能抽煙的出火,我們到了恆春古鎮,毫無遮蔽的恆春古城牆,讓天生愛曬的歐洲人也受不了...... 打算打道回府的獅兔二人,又誤打誤撞地騎到白沙,自然又是在海灘旁閒置了一個多小時,還衝進社頂公園,才心甘情願地回旅館睡午覺等吃晚餐......

Rabbit Wei used this chance pretty well, since he had the control of the scooter; therefore, we visited a lot of places next to the area Kenting.
From DaWan, ChuangFanShi, to ELuanBi and the Southernmost Tip of Taiwan, where rabbit Wei was falsely recognized as a tour guide from Malaysia... Rabbit Wei ist a DOC Taipei-Rabbit! Further from LongPan and FongChueiSha to ChuHuo and HengChun, and since rabbit Wei was a super scooter-driver, we even headed to BaiSha and SheDing, before we headed back to hotel for nap before dinner...
While we were enjoying the rips for dinner...
Lion Xu: "Aua!"
Rabbit Wei: "WHAT?!"
Lion Xu: "It hurts..." touching his head...
Rabbit Wei: staring at the red lion head. "We forgot the sun cream..."
Back to hotel, the injured parts were even warmer than heat pads... I guess our biggest souvenirs are a small black rabbit and a spicy lion head...

Comments from rabbit:

回想起小緯兔高中畢業旅行也是去墾丁,穿著雪衣在台北集合,然後到了墾丁就是短袖短褲了....... 老實說,台灣南北溫差大,也不是沒有好處,南部太熱可以北上避暑,北部太冷可以南下避寒,真是一年四季不怕沒處去......

Rabbit's high school graduate trip was also heading to Kenting, winter coats in Taipei, then shorts in Kenting. I think it's a bless for Taiwan to have such a big difference between the North and the South, because you will always have a place to go, once you feel like living in a refrigerator or in an oven...

台灣人愛騎摩托車是出了名。 台北橋那每逢上下班時間,那機車流量簡直只能用歎為觀止來形容...... 當然,我相信都市人也開始慢慢體驗到自己造成的空氣後果了...... 兔爸和兔弟就是那種除非家裡兩台機車都掛病號,才會嘴巴碎碎唸地去搭大眾運輸的人...... 老實說,在大眾運輸網相當方便的大台北地區,我個人覺得應該是必要時刻如全家踏青出遊才比較用得到汽機車,否則坐在公車裡吹冷氣,又有人送你到目的地,不是很好嗎?

Taiwan is famous for scooter-riding. In the rush hour, it's quite scary from all the bridges in Taipei... Of course, I believe that people in the city are already aware of the consequence... Rabbit's dad and rabbit's brother are those kinds of people, who only take bus once their scooter are broken... Actually, I think people who live in a city, where's so convenient with public transportation, only need their own scooters and cars in some specific occasions. On the other hand, is it not wonderful to be taken to the destination with air condition?

我真心地邀請所有躺在英式花園曬太陽,一邊笑隔壁正在塗防曬乳的歐青,來一趟台灣,並以同樣赤裸上身、擁抱陽光的態度,躺在政大的草皮上半個小時...... (德國豬腳目前台灣正夯,看看你們能不能製造些德國純正烤肉香......)

European despise those asian tourists, who use sun cream or sun umbrella. About this one, rabbit Wei can still kind of agree in Europe, but definitely not in Taiwan!
With different latitude, one of my professors, who had studied in Germany, said: "They don't know that the sun in Taiwan bites!"
I am so welcoming all those young men, who are lying in Englischer Garten and laughing the neighbors, who're using sun cream, to Taiwan, and please, stay naked and hold on your "embracing the sun" attitude, lying on the campus of NCCU for 30 minutes... (Schweinhaxe is so popular right now in Asia, you might be able to provide us some testing-samples...)

"Final comments from lion Xu!!!"

1. 台灣的菜餚感覺比德國健康得多,蔬菜豐富又少油,又很容易吃得到海鮮!(兔爸對此種健康飲食,非常不以為然,畢竟兔爸兔弟都是無肉不歡!)

1. Taiwanese dishes are much healthier than germans, more vegetables and less oil, and easier to get seafoods! (Rabbit's dad refused to have such healthy dinner, since he can't not be happy without meats...)  

2. 台灣人很重視家裡環境整潔,進家門前都得脫鞋,但是浴室卻很少保持乾燥。(小緯兔從小到大,從來沒看過乾燥的浴室啊...... 除非是如旅館般有浴簾,否則幾乎都是速戰速決,洗洗刷刷上床睡覺,哈哈!)

2. Taiwanese do keep their homes clean. People aren't allowed to entry with their shoes. But why the bathroom isn't kept dry? (Rabbit Wei had never seen a dry bathroom in Taiwan... Only if there's shower curtain like in hotel, otherwise, it's just taking a shower in fast and then heading to bed, haha!)

3. 台北像個不夜城,到處都有活動,許多店家二十四小時不打烊,隨時要吃要喝都沒問題!(這,這,這就是德國最該向亞洲學習的地方啊!7-11是大好物!在歐洲生活了將近五個年頭,每當宵夜引上來,都只能催眠自己趕快睡......)

Taipei is that a city which never sleeps. There're always activities and shops, which are 24hr open! (It's totally what Germany needs to learn from Asia! 7-11 is a wonderful thing! After 5 years in Europe, it's hard to tell yourself to sleep when you're actually hungry in the midnight...)

4. 阿旭獅:「台灣的服務業普遍對外國人相當友善,就算是店員英文不好,報價時,也都會打計算機給我看!」(這點小緯兔就不保留給德國人面子,直接吐槽了!德國服務業態度之差,差到挖洞挖到地心都還不夠!電話客服敷衍了事,不然就是一整天都打不進去;郵差送信送到隔壁鄰居的陽台去;大眾運輸和國家鐵路動不動就是誤點或停駛;百貨公司店員絕對不會看到你是外國人就主動你說英文,你德文說不好還會被打發走!到底是誰說歐洲是人文之都,連待人親和都做不到,還談什麼人文?!呼...... 冷靜!不然連三字經都出來了!)

4. Lion Xu: "Service staffs in Taiwan are extremely nice, even they don't speak good English, they even use calculator to show me the price!" (In this point, rabbit would attack Germany, really hard! The service quality in Germany SUCKS! Telefone services always want to hang you up; post-carrier throw your package to the balcony of your neighbor; all the delays of undergrounds and trains; the staffs in stores won't speak English with you, they even try to push you away, if you cannot speak good German! Who said that Europe is the capital of humanities?! How could you talk about humanity, if you cannot even be nice?! Huuuuu... Calm down...)

5. 阿旭獅:「我整趟旅程下來,有了一個最大的結論!」

5. Lion Xu: "There's a conclusion after this whole journey!"
Rabbit Wei: "What is it?!"
Lion Xu: "Taiwanese people have three hobbies: smartphones, eating and queue!"
Rabbit Wei: "What are you talking about..."
Lion Xu: "Oh! There's one more!" "Hating Chinese people!"

老實說,德國也不缺低頭族,但是我們不能否認的是,亞洲人總是在3C科技上領先歐洲一大步...... 住過德國的人就會知道,他們網路和手機訊號服務之差,是完全無法想像的...... 上載一部二十分鐘的影片,竟然要十個小時?!而且還不是你願意多繳錢就能夠獲得更快的速度,因為他們根本做不來......

Actually, there're also a lot of German, who stick with their smartphones everywhere, but what we are not able to deny is, Asian are always better than European in 3C area. If you have lived in Germany, you know how bad their internet and cell-signal quality is... A 20 minutes video for 10 hours?! You cannot even pay more to get more, because they are not even able to do that!
And queueing? A lot of people say that German are so orderly; however, they don't even queue while they take the underground!
Let's be honest, no one loves to queue, but we Taiwanese at least stay orderly and have patience, knowing that we will get what we want eventually. Isn't that a virtue, which German can learn from us?
Well, let's interpret "hating Chinese" as that we Taiwanese have enough self conscience... After these five years, unfortunately, there are so few chinese people, with whom I feel comfortable to be friend. After all, all of those political announcements and uneducated behaviors in our land, no one can blame us not to like them!
Oh, for the last point, no explanation is needed, eating's the most important thing to survive, so, just eat!

2 則留言:

  1. 其實台灣還有很多值得"紅燒獅子頭"再度光臨,體會喔!花東之美。阿里山,杉林溪,太平山,綠島,澎湖...好多好多的景點,歡迎再度來訪喔!

  2. 其實台灣還有很多值得"紅燒獅子頭"再度光臨,體會喔!花東之美。阿里山,杉林溪,太平山,綠島,澎湖...好多好多的景點,歡迎再度來訪喔!
