
扯開「假友善」的面紗 - 反同文章的反駁 A "fake" friendly gesture - bugs in anti-LGBT articles


Today it's the 14th gay pride in Taipei, the biggest in Asia!
Although rabbit Wei and lion Xu are only to be there next year, we still stand by them, spiritually.

頓時之間,原本風和日麗的早晨變成了一片火山爆發…… (其實是令人哭笑不得!)

Early this morning, rabbit Wei got to read an article on Facebook, which was written from an anti-LGBT politician. Suddenly, a beautiful morning turned into explosions of volcanos... (Actually I didn't actually know if I should laugh or cry, when I was reading that article...)
Rabbit Wei took a while to write some words against it on Facebook, although I don't know how many of you will read this article, I still want to make a brief summary on my blog:

The article from this politician are available under this link:


First, I would like to mark the emphasized points in his article:
1. An union between a man and a woman isn't as same as the combination between mens or women, because, if it's the same, we will not have to revise our civil law to legalize homosexual marriage.
2. Taiwan should learn from Germany: legislating another law only for homosexual couples instead of treating them as a really marriage as heterosexual couples. Because Taiwan isn't european countries; marriage is an important event of two families, not just love between two human beings.
3. The difference of traditional values and thoughts need to be solved with communication instead of attacking anti-LGBT groups' religious freedom. On his Facebook page, he even pointed out that christianity is a disadvantaged group in Taiwan, so they demand more sympathy from taiwanese folk.
4. This politician also wrote: I'm not against LGBT group, I do support their rights, but I'm against the revise to protect their equal right.


Here, rabbit Wei wants to refute these unreasonable points:
1. In the article, he denounces the revise of our civil law, since the union of straight couples isn't the same as gay couples. He even mentions the difference of familial values between Europe and Taiwan. This opinion should be treated as a serious discrimination of two groups: European and taiwanese LGBT groups. How can you prove that european despise the opinion of parents, once they want to get married? Do European not have familial values? Exactly because you always wear a prejudicial glasses, it makes some people obstinately keep distinguishing a combination of two human beings into "straight union" and "gay union". How come is straight love a real love, but gay love not? How come is heterosexual marriage a real marriage, but homosexual marriage not? Isn't a malicious grading of people, only specific people are allowed to enjoy the right to love and to marry? Using the flaw of our civil law to try to sugarcoat the fact of discrimination is actually a bilk. Honestly, who attaches a label for love, doesn't understand love at all.

二、文章中,簡先生提倡台灣學習德國的做法:另外訂立同性伴侶法讓同性伴侶間有法律上的親屬關係,但是沒有婚姻的實質名分。不知道簡先生有沒有去徹底了解這幾年歐洲同志人權的走向?端看近兩年來,幾乎所有西歐、北歐國家都保障了同性伴侶的婚姻權;反觀德國,就因為梅克爾一句「我就是有種不好的感覺」(德文原文: "Ich habe ein schlechts Bauchgefühl." 字面翻譯:「我有一個不好的肚子感覺。」),導致這幾年來德國境內同志權力早已大幅落後其餘歐洲國家!這樣的結果,早在德國被多數民眾稱為笑柄,許多人甚至戲稱:「某位老太婆肚子痛,關我什麼事?」。近幾年來,各大城市的同志遊行的主要訴求之一,就是要求德國政府效法其他歐洲國家,承認同性伴侶的婚姻本質。坦白說,在我們已經有前車之鑑的前提下,為什麼要逼迫我們去走德國白走了十幾年的錯誤繞路?即便台灣在現代化階段,繼受了許多德國的法律,錯的路就不該再走,這理應是常識!

2. This politician advocates in his article that we should learn from Germany: Legislating another law only for LGBT groups, so that they will be relative, even they won't be treated as a real marriage. I doubt if he did follow the political situation recently in Europe in these years. In these two years, almost all western european countries legalized homosexual marriage; comparing to Germany, only because Angela Merkel said: "I got a bad feeling for this." (German: "Ich habe ein schlechtes Bauchgefühl" Literally translated: "I have a bad stomach feeling."), so Germany's already left behind by other european countries! This kind of result's already seen as a joke for most German, some people even wrote: "Why should I care if one grandma has a stomach pain?". In these years, one the the most important appeals of german gay prides is exactly asking the government to legalize the real homosexual marriage. Honestly, since we already witnessed the mistake of Germany, how could we accept that you want us to follow their step to make the same mistake for the next ten years? Isn't that a common sense?


3. One of the most ridiculous points is that he believes not to revise the civil law can avoid the conflict of taiwanese folk.
The right of marriage is one of our rights as a human being. Although the freedom of speech and religion also belong to human liberty, despite they are literally not on the same level, all our human liberties only stand when we don't encroach another's rights and liberties.
Everyone who has attended to history classes knows that most of revolutions happened, just because they were unfairly handled; how can those people who agree the opinion of this politician be able to decide that LGBT groups should be administered by another law and become a second class, whose marriage cannot be taken seriously? How come an union of two human beings need to be differentiate? In his article, he even asked for more sympathy and safety for christian groups and those homophobic groups in Taiwan, since they are disadvantaged groups!
Mr. Jian, even Europe, where christianity came from, legalized homosexual marriage, isn't that a paradox that most of you are still using "protecting our religion" as an excuse?
Mr. Jian, since I was a kid, I have only heard about that a straight group beat a gay man, just because he's gay; but I haven't heard that a gay group has even beaten a straight guy, just because he's straight. Tell me, which one is the minor one in this society?
Mr. Jian, I have also a lot of friends, who are christian and also support homosexual marriage. Personally, I give all religious groups, who don't suppress other's human rights, my best wishes.

1. 修改民法,承認同志婚姻,雙方人身自由都受到法律保障。
2. 拒絕修改民法、另訂伴侶法,間接承認同志團體為次等公民,不享有受到憲法中人身自由保障的婚姻權。難道這樣的結論,還不夠一目了然?

4. Recently the word "fake friendly" is quite popular on Facebook, those who really have power just give us some candy and then secretly deprive our rights...
For this article full of discrimination of LGBT rights this politician even made its title "I support LGBT rights", it's just like a kid trying to sugarcoat everything he had done wrong.
There's a simplest way to make a summary of this debate:
- Number one: Revise the civil law, admit the homosexual marriage, and make both sides protected.
- Number two: Refuse to revise the law, legislate another law only for LGBT groups, and indirectly admit that homosexuals are second class in our country, since they don't have right to marry, which should actually be granted by our constitution. 
Isn't this comparison clear enough for our government to know which way they should be taking?

打了這麼多,不曉得有沒有人讀完?…… 這樣的隨筆只是想要提醒親友們,革命尚未完全成功,我們仍需繼續努力!自己的權益,只能靠自己救!學會寬容、學會尊重、學會愛的真諦,這或許是我們每個人一生中,最重要的功課吧?

After all of this, I don't know if someone read it until the end?... It's a reminder for everyone, the revolution isn't succeed yet! Our rights can only be fought for by us! Learn to tolerante, learn to respect and learn to know what love really means, it's probably the most important homework for us in our life. 

(Here's a link for yesterday's gay pride on taiwanese news and on BBC)




自慕尼黑南向的起點 - 森德靈門 Heading to the South - Sendlinger Tor


After work rabbit Wei always wants to just lie on couch with lion Xu...
But, Blog still needs to be updated!
So this week let me introduce you another not famous spotlight in Munich!


Sendlinger Tor, the south gate of Munich's old city wall. The square next to is called Sendlinger-Tor-Platz. From 1285 to 1337, Ludwig the fourth expended the city of Munich, and Sendlinger Tor was one of city gates. The towers on the both sides were built in 1420.
Moreover, 1318 Sendlinger Tor was first documented as the door heading to Italy.


Sendlinger Tor in X'mas season
1808, the main tower of Sendlinger Tor was teared down; the architect Zenetti started in 1860 its restoration. Three gates were combined into one main gate because of the traffic convenience in 1906. Luckily, Sendlinger Tor wasn't harmed in the second world war. Until now, you can still see the rest of the old city wall next to it!

森德靈廣場右接慕尼黑夜生活區Müllerstr.,左通Sonnenstr.連結卡爾廣場,並有多條地鐵與路面電車通過,交通相當便利。與瑪莉恩廣場東西兩側的商店大街(Neuhausenstr. 與 Tal)相比,森德靈街(Sendlingerstr.)沒有什麼名氣,但是商店種類並不會亞於慕尼黑主要的購物大街。自2016年七月一日起,森德靈街也改成了行人徒步區,讓喜歡散步逛街的民眾,有更舒適的「血拼」環境!(咦?)

Sendlinger-Tor-Platz was connected with Müllerstr., the night life area of Munich, and Sonnenstr. to Karlsplatz, so the traffic is extremely convenience here. Comparing to Neuhausenstr. and Tal next to Marienplatz, Sendlinger isn't famous at all, but there're also many stores to shop. Since July 1st, it was turned into a passenger only area, so people will have an even better shopping environment.

這條街上除了有些特色小店外,星巴克、名牌服飾店等也沒少;慕尼黑一座小有名氣的教堂也坐落在這條街上 - 阿桑教堂。這座教堂原本是阿桑兄弟於西元1733到1746年間自行興建的私人教堂,然而後來遭到居民以「祀奉神的教堂不該是私人的」為由抗議,因而開放,雖然興建的費用完全是私人支出。(這難道就是舊時代的仇富體現嗎?)

Except of some interesting tiny shops, Starbucks and luxus store are also found here; one of the most famous churches in Munich - Asamkirche stands also on this street. It was privately built from Asam brothers from 1733 to 1746, but later people protested that church shouldn't be private, so they had to make it public, even though they afforded all the costs for this church.


Next time, if you have a chance to come to Munich, don't forget to come this area to walk around!


再見,U26;再見,那四分之一的時光。Farewell, U26; and farewell, that quarter of time.

之前小緯兔曾經介紹過一個鮮為人知的景點 - 奧林匹亞選手村。

Once rabbit Wei had written an article about Olydorf, which was less famous than other spotlights in Munich. (If you've missed that one, you can read it over here: http://taiwanineuropa.blogspot.de/2015/11/olydorf-alternative-for-tourists-in.html)
The reason why rabbit mentioned this place again is that rabbit Wei had spent whole three years here. Sep. 30th, it's the end of my rent to this tiny bungalow. Three years ago I won this chance to live here by lottery for First-Semester-Students; therefore, I was free from the trouble of looking for a place to sleep and able to concentrate on my study. Let's take a look about my brief story with U26 (Hause number of rabbit Wei's bungalow).

My first date with U26

Oct. 1st, 2013, rabbit Wei stood alone with a 20 kg huge backpack and a 30 kg luggage in front of the door of U26 after being kicked out by his ex. This pure grey-white wall and cloudy sky responded perfectly to his mood, grey and dark, without any joyful colors.
"You won't be sleeping on the street anyway, go!"
When I was standing there, this sentence was still repeating next to my ears...
That door numbered with U26 seemed to laugh at me: "Come in then! After all, it's only place you are able to stay."
Rabbit Wei opened that door.

The first meet between U26 and rabbit's family

Mar. 2014, rabbit's Dad and rabbit's Mom came to visit rabbit Wei.
"Take a foto for me and U26!"
Rabbit's Mom, holding rabbit Wei's panda, smiled to rabbit's Dad, who stood on the other side of the camera. This taiwanese rabbit and his family hanged the national flags on U26, decorated it, used flash light to add a little vitality to this tiny bungalow. The U26 of this time, except of only grey and white, got even red and blue, just like a recovering wound.


The last sight of rabbit Wei from leaving U26

It was an extremely hot summer in 2014.
Sunshine shining directly in bungalows, lousy aeration with stuffy air, and smells of BBQ, they are the best description of Olydorf in Summer.
Rabbit Wei brought paints home, moved a recycling cargo to the front of U26, and started to give U26 a new cloth with chalks and brushes.
"Picasso was born like this!" A german old man, who always walks his dog with bike, said.
Had U26 known rabbit Wei better in that moment?
This tiny asian rabbit, who accidentally ran into this nation of giants, has never wished to be extremely successful or rich, but only try to leave a single trace to prove that he has once lived and to find someone to share this lifetime.
"I hope the next resident won't wash that out." Rabbit Wei thought.

Maybe one day this wall will also be one of the evidences, which prove that I had once lived.

No matter it's those white flowers of Spring,
or the red leaves of Autumn,
the scenarios from this balcony are irreplaceable.
It's not heater, which keeps this bungalow warm,


but the people who have once been here!

2015 was a whole new year. With change of seasons, that tree next to the balcony also changed its clothes one by one.
Snow in Winter, flowers in Spring, green leaves in Summer and blood-red maple in Autumn. All of them were captured by rabbit Wei's eyes.
Even rabbit's life, which almost seemed to be stopped, started to turn again.

I cannot remember when, unconsciously, that empty living room was filled with friendships.
I cannot remember when, unconsciously, that broken heart was filled with loves.

With couplets U26 could be the most stylish bungalow in that time.
Looking at this empty space, comparing to those photos above,
then I finally realized it's time to say good bye


In front of disk there were tears, laughs and great efforts

In these days, counting down when you need to be given back, rabbit Wei tried to make you shining, inside and outside. No matter it's the door once with red couplets, bad lighting living room in the first floor, or the tiny balcony, where weed always overgrow. I did it not only because I want you to be neat to welcome the new resident, but also because it's a chance that I can cherish all these memories with you, one more time. In this tiny space, which's smaller than 18 square meters, you cried with rabbit Wei, laughed with rabbit Wei; you had seen rabbit Wei celebrating with his friends, writing his master thesis overnight, and even crying in his bed... Right now, all these scenes are just like slideshows, dancing in front of my eyes.

 Standing on the new balcony, there's no Olympic tower anymore,
but another more beautiful scenario.

Rabbit Wei and Lion Xu's first X'mas tree


Maybe U26 did bring me luck,
I found my better half to share every single thing of my life

Yesterday I didn't just say goodbye to you, but also my life as a student. No matter it actually means a third or a quarter of my life, it's the foundation why I am who I am right now. Today I am moving on to another stage of my life, seeing different scenarios from a different balcony, setting different decorations in a different living room, and also hanging different names on a different door.

"Today I went to pick something up and just found out that someone's already living in my bungalow..."
"So fast! But darling, it's not your bungalow anymore." Lion Xu said, smiling.
"Rejection! It will be always "my" bungalow!" Rabbit refuted, without thinking.

In that moment, when the new resident opened the door, I saw his stuff spreading on the floor in the living room, and next to the window there were decorations, which I had never seen. What I felt was only unsatisfaction, "It's my bungalow!" rabbit Wei yelled in his heart! In that second, I realized my nostalgia and dependence on you. I even wanted to ask him to take good care of you, tell him how great you are, even though sometimes you will act like a spoiled child: Aeration can be bad, water may not be hot enough,  pipe could be blocked, fuse can be burned, even jalousie might be broken when it gets windy..., but everytime when I needed you, you were there.


Thank you for accompanying me for these three years, thank you for walking with me through these highs and lows, and more thanks to you for healing me from that heart-breaking, which I thought was incurable. Now it's time that you can start to help someone else.
Farewell, Olydorf.
Farewell, U26.
Farewell to me three years ago, who was lost and helpless.

A scenario without emotion isn't a scenario at all