
驕傲走在豔陽下 - 慕尼黑與柏林同志遊行 Proud under the sun - Gay parade in Munich and Berlin

CSD,全名為Christopher Street Day,是目前代表歐洲各大城市同志遊行的簡稱。
此名來自於眾所皆知的西元1969年六月二十八日美國「石牆暴動」(Stonewall riots) ,其為美國史上第一個同志團體起義,以對抗政府主導的迫害性別弱勢族群行徑,更被視為美國,甚至是全球同性戀權利運動發跡的導火線。隔年的同一日,在克里斯多福大街上以集會方式舉行了石牆暴動的週年紀念,這同時也是美國歷史上第一個同志驕傲遊行。

CSD. Its full name is Christopher Street Day, as an abbreviation for most of european pride parades.
This name came from the famous "Stonewall riot", June 28th 1969 in USA. It was the very first LGBT uprising in the american history to against the persecution of sexuell minorities, which was actually ruled by the government. It was seen as the trigger of american, or even worldwide LGBT movements. The next year, at the same day, people gathered on the Christopher Street to commemorate the anniversary of Stonewall, and it became the very first pride parade in USA.

The start-point of CSD Munich

Traditional Tracht is a must!

For now, in many cities in Germany, this event is hold once a year. The biggest should be Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, which draw thousands of people to join. The very first CSD was held in Berlin in 1979; however, it was not the very first pride parade in Germany, because, before 1979, all pride parades were named differently. The very first documented gay pride was actually held in Munich, April 29th 1972.

When leather hunks encounter dreaming unicorns!

It's always said that the most beautiful people are those with confidence, right?
Because of the organizational issues, not all pride parades are held on June 28th, but separately on weekends in June, July and August. The main purposes of CSD are not only celebration, but also the political appeals, to against those discrimination, suppresses  and isolation of LGBT groups, and stand for equal human rights, such as homosexual marriage etc..

Except of celebration with parades, so that LGBT groups are able to express that they are proud of being themselves and belonging to their own groups, many cities also hold more than days street feasts and cultural activities, like artistic exhibition, political speeches, intellectual seminars etc..

Proud unter the bavarian sun
"Vielfalt verdient Respekt. Grenzenlos!",其意指多元文化與價值,必須無條件地被尊重。


Extremely alive with stands around Marienplatz
This year, the CSD in Munich was on July 9th, lion Xu had to work as usual, so rabbit Wei took the chance during the break of voluntary works to take some photos of the parade. The whole route with 89 different groups would take you around three hours though.
I personally consider the slogan of this year should one of the bestes of these years!
"Vielfalt verdient Respekt. Grenzenlos!" (Multivariate needs to be respected. Without any condition!)
The main stage and stands locate always at one of the most famous touristic spotlights in Munich, Marienplatz. During the whole weekend there were many singers and artists, who gave their bests to entertain the audiences, the whole plaza was also surrounded by food stands and LGBT groups' Infos stands! Here, you can not only find your own favorite rainbow-color products, more important, you can get all the informations about the appeals of all LGBT groups and what they have done so far.

Ready to go!
"Danke für Nix" 「我們沒什麼好道謝的!」(老實說,小緯兔在德國的這幾年中,看著歐洲各國一個接一個地開放同志婚姻以及通過其他促進LGBT團體權益的法令,而德國卻還是抱著十幾年前另外訂立的「伴侶法」不放,不但沒有給予同志團體如其他異性戀婚姻的權利,更是不進反退的最佳例子,讓德國從人權先鋒變成吊車尾!)

Parade next to the Siegessäule

為什麼這麼說呢?首先,柏林沒有一個主舞台或是主廣場擺設攤位,和慕尼黑的起點暨終點的瑪麗恩廣場比起來,同志團體的資訊攤位少得可憐。如果少了政治訴求的表達,那麼遊行似乎也只是變成了另一種城市街慶罷了。再來,柏林CSD有接受其他財團公司的補助,雖然多了硬體設備,如卡車、音響設施等等,但是展示的自由權限也會同時被抑制,而無法完全由同志團體自行發揮,這是相當可惜的...... 這也是為何慕尼黑CSD堅持不接受其餘財團補助的最大原因之一。

Well, we all understand...

And why lion Xu and rabbit Wei were able to participate CSD so far in Berlin this time? Because two of rabbit Wei's best friends gave us two tickets from Munich to Berlin as birthday present! Finally, lion Xu was able to enjoy the parade without considering about work!

The slogan this year in Berlin completely expressed the unsatisfaction of LGBT groups about the german government, who haven't done anything particular for our rights for many years.
"Danke für Nix" (Thanks for nothing) Honestly, during these years in Germany, rabbit Wei did see many european countries legalize homosexual marriage or other positive bills for LGBT groups. However, Germany still holds this super old Partnership-Bill so tight that made Germany from a pioneer back to a member of last rankings.

CSD Berlin start-point: Kurfürstendamm
From lion Xu and rabbit Wei's view, CSD in Berlin, comparing to Munich, has changed...
Why? First of all, there's no main plaza in Berlin for Info stands of LGBT groups. If it becomes to be lacking of political appeals, then the parade seems to be just like a party. Furthermore, CSD Berlin is partially fundraised by other companies. Although more hardwares, such as cargos and stereos, can be afforded, the freedom of political express would also be limited...
This is also one of the main reasons, why CSD Munich isn't funded by other companies.

However, if you are only looking for fun, there's a guarantee of five hours with totally 51 party-trucks non-stoping party parade! It also makes CSD in Berlin the second biggest CSD in Germany! (That's right! The second! The biggest is actually CSD in Cologne!)


That's be honest, what we as LGBT groups are pursuing for, isn't different from others,it's all about freedom and equality as human being!
We eat when we want to, we drink when we want to, we celebrate when we want to, and we love when we want to!
Photo with super women
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