So, today I'm glad to present German Unendurable, Episode two!
In fact, I would rather not to get to know about the unfairness and defects in german medical system; however, the fate draw us here...
After one of my beloved articles about Deutsche Post, let's take a look, how lousy the german medical system can actually be!
So, today I'm glad to present German Unendurable, Episode two!
In fact, I would rather not to get to know about the unfairness and defects in german medical system; however, the fate draw us here...
After one of my beloved articles about Deutsche Post, let's take a look, how lousy the german medical system can actually be!
"1. No matter how much pain you're suffering, please make an appointment"
"1. No matter how much pain you're suffering, please make an appointment"
相信長居過德國(或是歐洲其他國家)的人都知道「談話時間」(德文原字 Termin)這個惱人的字彙......
I believe that everyone who has lived in Germany (or other european countries) knows this word "Termin" pretty well...
No matter you are going to open a bank account, change your visa, apply a health insurance, have a hair cut, even see a doctor, you have to make an appointment, otherwise you are not going to achieve anything. Some of you might ask: "But I cannot know when I will be sick or injured. How can I make an appointment for that?" Please, read the title with me: NO MATTER HOW MUCH PAIN YOU'RE SUFFERING, PLEASE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT! That's right! German don't care if it's a level one like a squeeze, or a level ten, which means you're getting fried in a hot, oiled pot! The first sentence will always be: "Do you have an appointment?"
I believe that everyone who has lived in Germany (or other european countries) knows this word "Termin" pretty well...
No matter you are going to open a bank account, change your visa, apply a health insurance, have a hair cut, even see a doctor, you have to make an appointment, otherwise you are not going to achieve anything. Some of you might ask: "But I cannot know when I will be sick or injured. How can I make an appointment for that?" Please, read the title with me: NO MATTER HOW MUCH PAIN YOU'RE SUFFERING, PLEASE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT! That's right! German don't care if it's a level one like a squeeze, or a level ten, which means you're getting fried in a hot, oiled pot! The first sentence will always be: "Do you have an appointment?"
(Of course, the example above doesn't apply to the situation when someone got hit by a truck and bleed like a fountain... But, entering ER doesn't mean that you're secured... You'll see...)
(Of course, the example above doesn't apply to the situation when someone got hit by a truck and bleed like a fountain... But, entering ER doesn't mean that you're secured... You'll see...)
- 證人一指出:「因腹痛而約了家庭醫生(德國人極少跑大醫院,而是先去看家庭醫生),明明約了三點,卻等了將近兩個小時才看到診!我不明白,那我們究竟為什麼要約時間?!」
- 證人二也言道:「近來半年有持續的腹瀉,但是都找不出原因,去看了第一次家庭醫生,他也只是抽血檢查,然後等了一個禮拜跟我說完全沒問題,之後又受不了而去看了第二次,他輕描淡寫地說:『那就先去照大腸鏡吧!』之後叫我自己去約時間,而最快約到的時間已經是一個多月後了!」
- 再補充小緯兔的親身經歷:兩年前不幸在與兔姑的旅程中摔倒,回到德國後仍持續痛了好幾天,決定去找醫生檢查,姑且不說電話打了很久都沒人接,約到的時間竟然是兩個禮拜後!
- Witness A: "I had once made an appointment at 3 o'clock, but I needed to wait until 5! I don't understand, why we still need to make one?!"
- Witness B: "In these six months I have been having continuously diarrhea problem. I went to my family doctor, he took my blood and one week later told me that there was nothing wrong. However, it didn't stop, so I went back again. He said, easily, "So, you can make a colonoscopy." Then I have to make an appointment by myself, and I have to wait for a month for that!"
- Rabbit Wei's personal experience: Two years ago, during the trip with rabbit's aunts I fell from the stairs. When we came back to Germany, it didn't go well, so I decided to see my family doctor. Forget the phone call, which I was trying to reach for the whole afternoon, the appointment I got was already two weeks later!
- Witness A: "I had once made an appointment at 3 o'clock, but I needed to wait until 5! I don't understand, why we still need to make one?!"
- Witness B: "In these six months I have been having continuously diarrhea problem. I went to my family doctor, he took my blood and one week later told me that there was nothing wrong. However, it didn't stop, so I went back again. He said, easily, "So, you can make a colonoscopy." Then I have to make an appointment by myself, and I have to wait for a month for that!"
- Rabbit Wei's personal experience: Two years ago, during the trip with rabbit's aunts I fell from the stairs. When we came back to Germany, it didn't go well, so I decided to see my family doctor. Forget the phone call, which I was trying to reach for the whole afternoon, the appointment I got was already two weeks later!
Summary: In Taiwan, heading to a normal clinic because of a normal sickness or injury won't let you wait for more than two hours. However, in Germany, clinics are always almost empty, people with appointments in the waiting room are countable with two hands, then what is the problem of slight of needy patients? Going to family doctor first, and when it's more serious, then head to hospitals, so we can avoid the waste of medical resources. It's definitely right to do (comparing to those grannies in Taiwan, who visit hospitals when they get cold...); however, serious or not, it shouldn't be judged by bureaucracy, but a fast random judgement. If it's an injury with bones, and it turns into an irreversible or unrepairable damage, or, if one month later an actually treatable severe disease is found by colonoscopy, and it's too late... who should be responsible?
Summary: In Taiwan, heading to a normal clinic because of a normal sickness or injury won't let you wait for more than two hours. However, in Germany, clinics are always almost empty, people with appointments in the waiting room are countable with two hands, then what is the problem of slight of needy patients? Going to family doctor first, and when it's more serious, then head to hospitals, so we can avoid the waste of medical resources. It's definitely right to do (comparing to those grannies in Taiwan, who visit hospitals when they get cold...); however, serious or not, it shouldn't be judged by bureaucracy, but a fast random judgement. If it's an injury with bones, and it turns into an irreversible or unrepairable damage, or, if one month later an actually treatable severe disease is found by colonoscopy, and it's too late... who should be responsible?
[二、職業態度 vs. 做人的態度]
"2. Professional attitude vs. Humanistic attitude"
"2. Professional attitude vs. Humanistic attitude"
From family doctors to big hospitals, from doctors to nurses, from foreigners to germans, it doesn't matter in Germany, 90% of medical personnels won't treat you with smiles or sweet attitudes. 90% of them see it only as "work" (let's skip whether they're doing well... It will be mentioned in the next section), they deal with your physical pains, but psychological needs aren't in their service area... Some hospitals cooperate with churches, so fathers or bishops might "casually" come and look around, to visit some patients who don't have visitors. (Yes, "causally". In whole three weeks, I had seen him only twice. Once he saw I was there for lion Xu, he left in the next second.) Here are some of my personal experiences, which I feel horrible for their lousy attitudes:
From family doctors to big hospitals, from doctors to nurses, from foreigners to germans, it doesn't matter in Germany, 90% of medical personnels won't treat you with smiles or sweet attitudes. 90% of them see it only as "work" (let's skip whether they're doing well... It will be mentioned in the next section), they deal with your physical pains, but psychological needs aren't in their service area... Some hospitals cooperate with churches, so fathers or bishops might "casually" come and look around, to visit some patients who don't have visitors. (Yes, "causally". In whole three weeks, I had seen him only twice. Once he saw I was there for lion Xu, he left in the next second.) Here are some of my personal experiences, which I feel horrible for their lousy attitudes:
- 小緯兔第一次踏進德國大醫院,不知道去哪找阿旭獅,只好詢問資訊櫃檯......
- Since it was the very first time that rabbit Wei stepped into a german hospital, I had no clue where I should be looking for lion Xu, so I decided to ask for some infos from the information center...
"My boyfriend told me that he should be in station X"
"Upstair. Third floor."
Rabbit Wei rushed up, but it was so different from in Taiwan. There was no doorplate, every door was closed and there was no sign of a single human being, so rabbit Wei went down again to the information center...
"Excuse me, sir. Could you find out which room my boyfriend could actually be?"
"Can't you knock? There are nurses, they are human being. You can ask them!"
(Deeply in rabbit Wei's heart: That just proves that you are not!)
- Since it was the very first time that rabbit Wei stepped into a german hospital, I had no clue where I should be looking for lion Xu, so I decided to ask for some infos from the information center...
"My boyfriend told me that he should be in station X"
"Upstair. Third floor."
Rabbit Wei rushed up, but it was so different from in Taiwan. There was no doorplate, every door was closed and there was no sign of a single human being, so rabbit Wei went down again to the information center...
"Excuse me, sir. Could you find out which room my boyfriend could actually be?"
"Can't you knock? There are nurses, they are human being. You can ask them!"
(Deeply in rabbit Wei's heart: That just proves that you are not!)
- 小緯兔想知道阿旭獅到醫療站了沒
- Rabbit Wei was trying to know if lion Xu had already been in the station
"Good afternoon, I'm a family member of XXX, could you..."
"I don't know. He is not here."
"Do you know how long it will still take? Because I have already waited for the whole afternoon."
"I don't know." And sent rabbit Wei a face, which said "I know nothing, what do you want from me"
- Rabbit Wei was trying to know if lion Xu had already been in the station
"Good afternoon, I'm a family member of XXX, could you..."
"I don't know. He is not here."
"Do you know how long it will still take? Because I have already waited for the whole afternoon."
"I don't know." And sent rabbit Wei a face, which said "I know nothing, what do you want from me"
- 阿旭獅第一次手術後,一直都有噁心感,睡不著又不停地想嘔吐,按鈴呼叫夜班護士
- After the first operation, lion Xu had continuously nausea, he couldn't sleep and kept puking, so he rang the night-shift nurse
"I have been having this nausea whole day, could you do something...?"
"Haven't you said that already couples of time? Don't keep ringing! Don't you know that I have a lot of stuffs to do?"
- After the first operation, lion Xu had continuously nausea, he couldn't sleep and kept puking, so he rang the night-shift nurse
"I have been having this nausea whole day, could you do something...?"
"Haven't you said that already couples of time? Don't keep ringing! Don't you know that I have a lot of stuffs to do?"
- 某天小緯兔和阿旭獅坐在病房桌旁,負責送菜的醫療人員端飯進來
- One day, rabbit Wei and lion Xu were sitting on the table, one medical personnel came in with patients' lunch
"I am here." Lion Xu answered.
Then he just left the plate next to the bed and did't want to spend five seconds to put it on the table...
- One day, rabbit Wei and lion Xu were sitting on the table, one medical personnel came in with patients' lunch
"I am here." Lion Xu answered.
Then he just left the plate next to the bed and did't want to spend five seconds to put it on the table...
結論:在德國,病人是「工作」,不是「人」。醫療人員不需要顧及你的感受,他們只需要把份內的事情做好,剩下的事情是下一個換班的人的事。除了動不動找不到人,一問三不知之外,到了換班前的兩個小時,更是不再巡房,直接躲在護士房留攤子給下一班收,如此持續地惡性循環。P.S. 我們當然要謝謝那仍然還保有人性與服務態度的那一成醫療人員,感謝你們的辛勞與問候,讓小緯兔和阿旭獅沒有在那「監獄」中二次崩潰......
Summary: In Germany, patients are "work", not "human". Medical personnel don't need to care about your feeling. They only have to finish their duties, and the rest is the responsibility of the next shift. Except it's quite often that you aren't able to find anyone in the station or get any answer from them, in the last two hours of changing shifts they don't even care to come to check the patients, but stay in their room and leave the work to the next shift. It's just a vicious circle, again and again. P.S. However, we need to thank those 10% of personnels, who still have their human nature and generous attitudes during the work. Thanks for your concerns and greetings, so that rabbit Wei and lion Xu didn't have a second break down in that "prison"...
Summary: In Germany, patients are "work", not "human". Medical personnel don't need to care about your feeling. They only have to finish their duties, and the rest is the responsibility of the next shift. Except it's quite often that you aren't able to find anyone in the station or get any answer from them, in the last two hours of changing shifts they don't even care to come to check the patients, but stay in their room and leave the work to the next shift. It's just a vicious circle, again and again. P.S. However, we need to thank those 10% of personnels, who still have their human nature and generous attitudes during the work. Thanks for your concerns and greetings, so that rabbit Wei and lion Xu didn't have a second break down in that "prison"...
"3. "Slow" work doesn't guarantee a "fine" quality. If you cannot "wait", you just need to "suffer" a little more"
"3. "Slow" work doesn't guarantee a "fine" quality. If you cannot "wait", you just need to "suffer" a little more"
If you've been to Europe, a slow, leisure lifestyle can't be unfamiliar for you. If we talk nicely, it's leisure and relaxing; if we talk "honestly", it's probably just a combination of overprotecting labour-law, 9-17 working time with non-accountability, which causes occupational neglect. This kind of situation is happening everywhere in Germany (such as the testimony of the witness A)
Let me tell you our three-weeks-journey from the very beginning...
If you've been to Europe, a slow, leisure lifestyle can't be unfamiliar for you. If we talk nicely, it's leisure and relaxing; if we talk "honestly", it's probably just a combination of overprotecting labour-law, 9-17 working time with non-accountability, which causes occupational neglect. This kind of situation is happening everywhere in Germany (such as the testimony of the witness A)
Let me tell you our three-weeks-journey from the very beginning...
- 某年某月的一個星期一清晨,小緯兔接到了阿旭獅的簡訊
- One day morning, rabbit Wei got a SMS from lion Xu
"Rabbit, I cannot go to work today. I will visit my family doctor later because of this stomach ache."
"Ok, tell me how it is later!"
After more than one-hour-waiting, the family doctor believed that it was only a normal inflammation and gave lion Xu antibiotic.
*1 (Is that wise, not to run a blood test and definite it as a normal inflammation? I don't believe that antibiotic is something that we can take irrationally...)
- One day morning, rabbit Wei got a SMS from lion Xu
"Rabbit, I cannot go to work today. I will visit my family doctor later because of this stomach ache."
"Ok, tell me how it is later!"
After more than one-hour-waiting, the family doctor believed that it was only a normal inflammation and gave lion Xu antibiotic.
*1 (Is that wise, not to run a blood test and definite it as a normal inflammation? I don't believe that antibiotic is something that we can take irrationally...)
- 果不其然,隔天清晨阿旭獅打了電話來
- And surely, lion Xu called next morning
"Rabbit, can you come here as soon as possible? I just called the ambulance, because I cannot stand the pain anymore!"
Rabbit Wei rushed to the ER of the hospital, looking for lion Xu. And of course, since there are working hours for the information front desk, no one is there to help.
*2 (In some institutes, like hospitals, isn't that wise to have a 24 hours info center? After all, you cannot tell everyone not to get sick and got hit by a car in the midnight. Am I wrong?)
- And surely, lion Xu called next morning
"Rabbit, can you come here as soon as possible? I just called the ambulance, because I cannot stand the pain anymore!"
Rabbit Wei rushed to the ER of the hospital, looking for lion Xu. And of course, since there are working hours for the information front desk, no one is there to help.
*2 (In some institutes, like hospitals, isn't that wise to have a 24 hours info center? After all, you cannot tell everyone not to get sick and got hit by a car in the midnight. Am I wrong?)
- 在總算找到阿旭獅後
- After rabbit Wei finally found lion Xu
"What did doctors say?"
"They don't know what's wrong yet and want to make an ultrasound."
Yes, we had waited for this ultrasound for more than 90 minutes.
Yes, there were only lion Xu, a german grandma and a drunk foreigner in the ER.
And yes, there were plenty of doctors, at least four times more than patients.
*3 (So, couldn't those chatting doctors do something? So, when patients scream because of pain, it's still not serious enough to speed up for them, because there's no blood to be seen?)
- After rabbit Wei finally found lion Xu
"What did doctors say?"
"They don't know what's wrong yet and want to make an ultrasound."
Yes, we had waited for this ultrasound for more than 90 minutes.
Yes, there were only lion Xu, a german grandma and a drunk foreigner in the ER.
And yes, there were plenty of doctors, at least four times more than patients.
*3 (So, couldn't those chatting doctors do something? So, when patients scream because of pain, it's still not serious enough to speed up for them, because there's no blood to be seen?)
- 超音波檢查不出病因,加上血液檢查出有發炎現象,醫生發表了想法
- Since ultrasound couldn't tell us anything either and the inflammation was confirmed by the blood, one doctor published his speech
"The inflammation is serious, but we cannot find anything by ultrasound, and there was no sign of calculus, so we might need to do a CT. But, this examination is expensive, so the chief-doctor would like to see you first, then we can decide."
Yes, no matter how much you pain you're suffering, please make sure you won't waste our money.
Yes, we had waited for the chief-doctor for three hours.
Yes, the chief-doctor scheduled a CT at one o'clock.
Yes, we had waited until 3 for that CT.
And yes, we had waited further until almost 6, so that the chief-doctor finally checked the result of the CT and decided that lion Xu had to be operated.
*4 (So, it's ok to let an original level 5 sickness worsen to level 9? Should we make an appointment for CT or even a table for operation in advance next time?)
- Since ultrasound couldn't tell us anything either and the inflammation was confirmed by the blood, one doctor published his speech
"The inflammation is serious, but we cannot find anything by ultrasound, and there was no sign of calculus, so we might need to do a CT. But, this examination is expensive, so the chief-doctor would like to see you first, then we can decide."
Yes, no matter how much you pain you're suffering, please make sure you won't waste our money.
Yes, we had waited for the chief-doctor for three hours.
Yes, the chief-doctor scheduled a CT at one o'clock.
Yes, we had waited until 3 for that CT.
And yes, we had waited further until almost 6, so that the chief-doctor finally checked the result of the CT and decided that lion Xu had to be operated.
*4 (So, it's ok to let an original level 5 sickness worsen to level 9? Should we make an appointment for CT or even a table for operation in advance next time?)
- 經過心力憔悴,還被嗆的第一天後(詳情請見第二項第一節),好戲還在後頭......
- After the exhausting first day, there are more to tell...
Since rabbit Wei was there for lion Xu everyday, so everything couldn't escape from rabbit's eyes, haha
"Excuse me, nurse, you said that I need to tell you once this infusion finished and you will need to hang another one." Lion Xu rang the bell and told the nurse with his weak voice.
"Ok. I will change that immediately."
Yes, this infusion we had waited for 90 minutes.
Yes, sometimes no nurse comes to check the whole afternoon.
And yes, in the end, even lion Xu gave up to ring, since it makes absolutely no difference.
*5 (Shouldn't it already be organized by doctors how much medicine a specific patient should take during a specific time? No matter less or more, who is going to be responsible, once there's problem of that?
一瓶得來不易的點滴,代表的是病人的無奈。 A hard-to-get infusion does represent the helpless feeling of patients. 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
Since rabbit Wei was there for lion Xu everyday, so everything couldn't escape from rabbit's eyes, haha
"Excuse me, nurse, you said that I need to tell you once this infusion finished and you will need to hang another one." Lion Xu rang the bell and told the nurse with his weak voice.
"Ok. I will change that immediately."
Yes, this infusion we had waited for 90 minutes.
Yes, sometimes no nurse comes to check the whole afternoon.
And yes, in the end, even lion Xu gave up to ring, since it makes absolutely no difference.
*5 (Shouldn't it already be organized by doctors how much medicine a specific patient should take during a specific time? No matter less or more, who is going to be responsible, once there's problem of that?
- 小緯兔每天去醫院陪阿旭獅,自然也經歷了許多鬼打牆的對話。
- Since rabbit Wei stayed by lion Xu's side everyday, of course there were so many ridiculous conversations to be witnessed.
"How come you didn't tell me that infusion finished already?"
"I already told nurse Z 90 minutes ago."
"You cannot eat yet, only tee or water."
"But this morning the chief-doctor said I can eat normally."
"I come to adjust your pain-killer dose."
"But the other nurse said you are going to try to stop it, then I will tell you once I need it again."
"Mr. XXX, what kind of surgery are you going to take today?" One nurse asked.
"It should be surgery Y... Isn't that your job? I am the patient and you are the nurse!" Lion Xu said, opening his eyes with an unbelievable look.
*6 (In this place, where time should actually be the most important element to save a life; however, the information isn't common and communicated at all! How can you be sure that the medicine the nurse is giving is actually the planned one by your doctor?! How can you be sure you are being pushed into the right OR?! And eventually, what are you trying to express with a "Oh!"?!)
- Since rabbit Wei stayed by lion Xu's side everyday, of course there were so many ridiculous conversations to be witnessed.
"How come you didn't tell me that infusion finished already?"
"I already told nurse Z 90 minutes ago."
"You cannot eat yet, only tee or water."
"But this morning the chief-doctor said I can eat normally."
"I come to adjust your pain-killer dose."
"But the other nurse said you are going to try to stop it, then I will tell you once I need it again."
"Mr. XXX, what kind of surgery are you going to take today?" One nurse asked.
"It should be surgery Y... Isn't that your job? I am the patient and you are the nurse!" Lion Xu said, opening his eyes with an unbelievable look.
*6 (In this place, where time should actually be the most important element to save a life; however, the information isn't common and communicated at all! How can you be sure that the medicine the nurse is giving is actually the planned one by your doctor?! How can you be sure you are being pushed into the right OR?! And eventually, what are you trying to express with a "Oh!"?!)
- 早上十點半才有護理人員來幫病人清潔。
- 轉院手術完成後,在走廊上等了三個小時才有人送回原醫療站。
- 整個週休晚間只有一個值班護士必須顧及兩個醫療站。
- 按鈴通知護士導管出血,整個晚上沒人來處理,阿旭獅必須自己撐到洗手間去拿衛生紙。
- 告知護理人員傷口似乎有出血,一個推一個,沒人看個半眼。
- 時間上無法信任,不是忽然早到,就是遲到超久。
The quality of the service of the hospital is easily to be seen:
- You won't be assisted to clean up before 10:30.
- You need to wait on the hall way for three hours, so someone will bring you back to the station after the operation.
- There's only one night-shift-nurse for two stations on all weekend-evenings.
- You won't be taken care even when you ring the bell and tell them you're bleeding because of the catheter, so you have to pull yourself out of the bed and stumbled to the toilette for tissues.
- No one takes a look when you tell them that the wound seems to be bleeding.
- You cannot trust their time-schedule, either they will come earlier or far later.
For all of these we could possibly blame to saving personnel costs, enorm outsourcing, and uneven personnel distribution, so it's impossible for patients to get real medical cares! Let me tell you another story as example...
在這裡,無奈、氣憤與恐懼只能透過書寫來傳達。 Here, writing is the only way to express your sadness, your anger and your fear. 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
The quality of the service of the hospital is easily to be seen:
- You won't be assisted to clean up before 10:30.
- You need to wait on the hall way for three hours, so someone will bring you back to the station after the operation.
- There's only one night-shift-nurse for two stations on all weekend-evenings.
- You won't be taken care even when you ring the bell and tell them you're bleeding because of the catheter, so you have to pull yourself out of the bed and stumbled to the toilette for tissues.
- No one takes a look when you tell them that the wound seems to be bleeding.
- You cannot trust their time-schedule, either they will come earlier or far later.
For all of these we could possibly blame to saving personnel costs, enorm outsourcing, and uneven personnel distribution, so it's impossible for patients to get real medical cares! Let me tell you another story as example...
On one Saturday afternoon, lion Xu was allowed to come home. Unfortunately, we had to go back to hospital that same night, because the pain came back and got even worse...
Once we got there, lion Xu explained everything and sent to wait for 30 minutes for an ultrasound. Nothing was found, one doctor told lion Xu to stay in bed, then disappeared...
Unexpectedly, in this moment, the pain was so unendurable that lion Xu was even screaming and crying for help. Rabbit Wei ran for help, but in that big ER there was absolutely no medical personnel, there were only another patient and a cleaner!
On one Saturday afternoon, lion Xu was allowed to come home. Unfortunately, we had to go back to hospital that same night, because the pain came back and got even worse...
Once we got there, lion Xu explained everything and sent to wait for 30 minutes for an ultrasound. Nothing was found, one doctor told lion Xu to stay in bed, then disappeared...
Unexpectedly, in this moment, the pain was so unendurable that lion Xu was even screaming and crying for help. Rabbit Wei ran for help, but in that big ER there was absolutely no medical personnel, there were only another patient and a cleaner!
I asked the cleaner, if he knew where the doctors were, "You have to wait."
I asked the nurse in the station, which we were going to later, "You have to wait."
Even I told her that we had already waited for more than two hours and my boyfriend was crying, "How come there's no one?!" I said, "You have to wait." said the nurse, again.
Yes, it's empty in ER.
Yes, in those two hours, the only thing rabbit Wei could do was watching lion Xu screaming and trying to hold his hand tight.
And yes, a sickness with level one could actually turn into level nine!
Only until around two o'clock in the midnight lion Xu finally got treated and sent to the station, and rabbit Wei was able to catch the last underground to get home...
I asked the nurse in the station, which we were going to later, "You have to wait."
Even I told her that we had already waited for more than two hours and my boyfriend was crying, "How come there's no one?!" I said, "You have to wait." said the nurse, again.
Yes, it's empty in ER.
Yes, in those two hours, the only thing rabbit Wei could do was watching lion Xu screaming and trying to hold his hand tight.
And yes, a sickness with level one could actually turn into level nine!
Only until around two o'clock in the midnight lion Xu finally got treated and sent to the station, and rabbit Wei was able to catch the last underground to get home...
Next morning, one doctor made another ultrasound and still got nothing!
So, they decided to do a CT on "Monday".
Yes, even they know how much pain lion Xu was suffering, it didn't bother them to procrastinate the exam from 8 o'clock on Sunday morning to 12 o'clock on Monday!
Monday morning lion Xu was forbidden to eat because of the CT, until 11:30 a nurse brought him a lunch plate... "Mr. XXX, here's your lunch."
"But I cannot eat. There will be an exam."
"Oh, it's cancelled."
Yes, it's cancelled without any notice!
Yes, lion Xu was starving for nothing!
Yes, no one came to tell us about the blood exam that morning!
Yes, we had even waited for more than three hours to get the discharge release!
"Rabbit, there's nothing we can do, doctors are all going to operate, so that they can get more premie..."
*7 (European attack the capitalism in the USA all the time, but german hospitals are actually the one, which is super good at it! What kind of consideration does make no personnel in the ER on the weekend? What kind of calculation does let cares and lives of patients be equal with one nurse for two stations? What kind of budget is worthy to postpone a critical medical exam for patients? And what kind of goal of life does make doctors prefer process more operations than take five minutes to inform the result of blood exam and discharge patients?)
Next morning, one doctor made another ultrasound and still got nothing!
So, they decided to do a CT on "Monday".
Yes, even they know how much pain lion Xu was suffering, it didn't bother them to procrastinate the exam from 8 o'clock on Sunday morning to 12 o'clock on Monday!
Monday morning lion Xu was forbidden to eat because of the CT, until 11:30 a nurse brought him a lunch plate... "Mr. XXX, here's your lunch."
"But I cannot eat. There will be an exam."
"Oh, it's cancelled."
Yes, it's cancelled without any notice!
Yes, lion Xu was starving for nothing!
Yes, no one came to tell us about the blood exam that morning!
Yes, we had even waited for more than three hours to get the discharge release!
"Rabbit, there's nothing we can do, doctors are all going to operate, so that they can get more premie..."
*7 (European attack the capitalism in the USA all the time, but german hospitals are actually the one, which is super good at it! What kind of consideration does make no personnel in the ER on the weekend? What kind of calculation does let cares and lives of patients be equal with one nurse for two stations? What kind of budget is worthy to postpone a critical medical exam for patients? And what kind of goal of life does make doctors prefer process more operations than take five minutes to inform the result of blood exam and discharge patients?)
Summary: Capitalism and mercantilism are everywhere, and there's no exception for german medical system! Neglecting patients' needs and uneven personnel distribution according to labor costs seem to be so inhuman that a patient can cry for help for two hours and doesn't get even a simple painkiller pill! "No matter if someone jumps off in front of a train, no matter how emergent it is, someone needs to be stay in the ER! They even need to consider that on weekend there should be more casualties than usual days! And they even cut the budget from here?!" Lion Xu's family doctor said, after having listened to lion Xu what really happened there in the hospital. The word "wait" can really be the sign of Germany. You have to wait for everything, and everyone asks you to wait, no matter how serious or critical the situation is, wait, wait, and wait! I don't even need to mention that sometimes you might be waiting for nothing! Think about it, even an original german citizen can be treated like this, how about all of those foreigners? All of these make rabbit Wei aware that health is the most important thing in the world! (It also proves that the german medical system is actually a joke...)
Summary: Capitalism and mercantilism are everywhere, and there's no exception for german medical system! Neglecting patients' needs and uneven personnel distribution according to labor costs seem to be so inhuman that a patient can cry for help for two hours and doesn't get even a simple painkiller pill! "No matter if someone jumps off in front of a train, no matter how emergent it is, someone needs to be stay in the ER! They even need to consider that on weekend there should be more casualties than usual days! And they even cut the budget from here?!" Lion Xu's family doctor said, after having listened to lion Xu what really happened there in the hospital. The word "wait" can really be the sign of Germany. You have to wait for everything, and everyone asks you to wait, no matter how serious or critical the situation is, wait, wait, and wait! I don't even need to mention that sometimes you might be waiting for nothing! Think about it, even an original german citizen can be treated like this, how about all of those foreigners? All of these make rabbit Wei aware that health is the most important thing in the world! (It also proves that the german medical system is actually a joke...)
光鮮亮麗的包裝下,僅是不堪入目的事實。 Under the decorative package there's only unfaceable truth. 圖片來源:自行攝影 |