但是,要病人在大馬路上與汽車廢氣一同共舞嗎?幸好我們的小窩離著名的啤酒節場地 - 特雷西亞草原(德文原文:Theresienwiese)是走路就可以到的距離,不妨就讓小緯兔在這裡稍微簡介一下這九月底開始瘋狂兩個禮拜的全世界最大的派對場地之一吧!
After a more-than-three-weeks adventure in a german hospital, lion Xu is finally able to lie on our couch and watch TV!
Rabbit Wei: "Doctor said you need to walk more!"
Lion Xu: "I do wander at home!"
Rabbit Wei: "That's not enough! Com'on! Let's take a walk!"
But, should a patient dance with all those exhausts on the streets? Fortunately Theresienwiese isn't far from our home. How about let me introduce one of the biggest party-stands in the world for you?
聳立在西側的巴伐利亞像 Bavaria on the west side of Theresienwiese 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
特雷西亞草原位於慕尼黑市中心西南側,佔地42萬平方公尺,西至著名的巴伐利亞雕像(Bavaria),東至世界語廣場(Esperanto-Platz)。周圍由環狀道路 - Bavariaring 環繞,因此常有人在此散步聊天,甚至是慢跑。其名稱來自於巴伐利亞國王路德維希一世的妻子 - Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen (也稱 Therese von Bayern)。著名的慕尼黑啤酒節的由來,也是因為西元1810年10月12日慶祝特雷西亞與路德維希一世的婚禮。慶祝結束當日(10月17日)也舉辦了賽馬。由於隔年再次舉行了賽馬,一年一度的啤酒節(Oktoberfest,德文原譯為十月節)也就這樣的持續了下來。(倘若有機會,再另外開一篇關於啤酒節的文章吧......)在這兩百多年間,這裡的慶典也不只侷限於啤酒節:巴伐利亞農業節(Bayerische Zentral-Landwirtschaftsfest)、慕尼黑春祭(Münchner Frühlingsfest)、Tollwood-Festival 等等都在這片廣大的草地上舉行。
建造中的遊樂設施:不禁讓人想像這一躍,是否能夠直路青雲呢? A constructing rolling-coaster: I wonder, if it heads directly into sky. |
Theresienwiese locates at west-south side of city centre of Munich. It covers around 420.000 square meters, from the famous statue - Bavaria on the West, to the Esperanto Square on the East, and is circled by Bavariaring. Many people gather here for a walk, or even jogging. Its name came from Ludwig I.'s wife, Therse von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, also called Therese von Bayern. To celebrate their wedding on Oct. 12th 1810 there was a huge festival, including a horserace on Oct. 17th, which became our famous Oktoberfest right now. (Maybe later there will be a chance to write another article for Oktoberfest...)
In these more than 200 years, Oktoberfest isn't the only festival we have on Theresienwiese, but also Bayerische Zentral-Landwirtschaftsfest, Münchner Frühlingsfest, Tollwood-Festival etc..
這顆高聳的樹,是否也見證了所有的歷史? Die this old, tall tree also witness all these histories? |
西元1918年11月7日,這裡曾經聚集了超過六萬名的群眾抗議第一次世界大戰,間接導致了巴伐利亞王國最後一任國王 - 路德維希三世的下台。
西元1919年1月7日與2月16日,這裡也曾是短命的巴伐利亞蘇維埃共和國(Münchner Räterepublik)的墊腳石。
西元1980年9月26日,極右派份子Gundolf Köhler在啤酒節正門口放置了炸彈,並造成了13人死亡,超過兩百人受傷,這件事件也被德國政府視為戰後最嚴重的恐怖攻擊事件之一。
However, the story of Theresienwiese isn't limited by tents, beer and amusement facilities.
Oct. 7th 1918, there was a demonstration with more than 60.000 people against the first world war, which indirectly led to the resignation of Ludwig III..
Jan. 7th and Feb. 16th 1919, here was a stopover of Münchner Räterepublik, which didn't last long.
Apr. 2nd 1938, Hitler celebrated his annexation of Austria here. In that moment, there were more than 500.000 people, swearing their fidelity to him right here on the field.
Sep. 26th 1980, an extremist, Gundolf Köhler, set a bomb by the main entrance of Oktoberfest, which costed 13 people's life and made more than 200 people injured. This event was treated as one of the most serious terrorist attacks after WWII by german government.
當你抬頭望向那閃亮、令人眩目的陽光, 你能發現,原來綠有那麼多種。 Once you look up to the shining sky, you will see, how many different greens there shall be. 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
一地落葉與一道柵欄,也能構築出一種意境。 A different painting from leaves and fences. 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
Taking a shot, holding lion Xu's hand, rabbit Wei thinks:
just like two of us, living in this temporarily limited space, human being belongs only to these tiny creatures, which are limited on this planet! This field recorded uncountable emotions after all these years: sadness by losing loved ones, happiness by having another Maß, anger of more than ten thousand of people, and hope of just two human beings. If Theresienwiese has a soul, I wonder, would it consider us worthy caressing or just ridiculous?
不得不說,我牽的這隻德國獅真的挺上相的!(羞) Honestly, this german lion I'm holding looks good on photos! (Shy) 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
廢話這麼多,還是要不忘地告訴大家,雖然特雷西亞草原設有地鐵站(U4/U5),但是啤酒節時人是會多到不像話的!在這裡建議大家透過以下幾站前往啤酒節場地:Hauptbahnhof、Karlsplatz、Goetheplatz、Poccistr.、Hackerbrüke,以上幾站都是輕鬆步行能到的距離,再不然其實 Marienplatz、Sendlinger Tor 對小緯兔來說也是步行「Piece of Cake」(可是阿旭獅可能無法......)
Anyway, in the end rabbit Wei doesn't forget to remind everyone who's reading this article. Although there's an underground station on Theresienwiese (U4/U5), it's always crowed by Oktoberfest. Here I suggest everyone to depart from the following stations: Hauptbahnhof, Karlsplatz, Goetheplatz, Poccistr. and Hackerbrücke, where you can reach to the tents easily. Moreover, Marienplatz and Sendlinger Tor are also "Piece of Cake" for rabbit Wei. (Although probably not for lion Xu...)
If you causally come to Theresienwiese for a walk and see a rabbit having a camera and holding a lightly gasping german lion, don't forget to say hi!
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