Since end of September, rabbit Wei started to live as a working class....
As a normal worker, one of the benefits is that, after rent, 40% for unreasonable German taxes, stuffs to fill our stomach, we could still save some money, if we want to.
To celebrate that I step into a new phase, I decided to take my childhood back as a gift for myself!
謝謝日本亞馬遜有好好地包裝! Thanks to amazon.co.jp! They did pack them well! 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
神奇寶貝二十週年暨太陽月亮發售紀念之皮卡丘New N3DS LL限定版!!!(另外有賣日月神獸的特殊限定版,但是耍酷對小緯兔是沒有用的,夠可愛才有看頭……!😜)
New N3DS LL special Pikachu edition for celebration of 20 years Pokemon!!! (There's another special edition, black with cover monsters... Well, for rabbit Wei, you need to be cute to catch my eyes...! 😜)
For me, Pokemon do speak Japanese! (Of course, with the option to play in traditional Chinese is a great thing for other players) Therefore, I insisted to buy pure Japanese console and softwares from amazon.co.jp; moreover, there're not that many softwares for Taiwanese consoles.
小心翼翼地拆開塑膠套,輕輕地放在桌上(謎:根本比抱小孩還小心……) I teared the plastic part carefully, and put it on the table gently (like taking care of a baby...) 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
因為是在日本亞馬遜購買月版下載版加主機,所以,雖然沒有拿到新卡帶包裝盒的那種心動感,卻另外拿到了兩個亞馬遜預購特典束口袋!(如大家所猜的,小緯兔還是只拿了電氣鼠袋來用 😅,雖然我的本命是電電鼠:
After all, I bought the download version of Pokemon Moon, so, it was a little bit sad because of lack of emotional moment of getting the whole new package with drawing on it; however, I also received two cute handy bags as special gifts! (As you might already guess, rabbit Wei only uses the blue electronic mouse one 😅, although my dearest love is actually Dedenne:
電電鼠真的可愛到炸翻了啊!!! Dedenne is really really super cute, isn't it?! 圖片來源:神奇寶貝百科 |
as a close relative, Pikachu still got the qualification as priority...!)
你在對我笑嗎?(羞) Are you smiling at me? (Shy) 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
打開包裝後,皮神就趴在那裡對著我笑啊!!!!!!(整個融化,所以六個驚嘆號……)簡直讓人忘了要打開來玩,根本智障般地對著牠回笑…… (喂喂喂!)
After opening the package, Pikachu just smiled at me!!!!!! (I was almost melted by its smile, so six exclamations...) I almost forgot to open it to play and smiled back to it like an id.... (HELLO?!)
跟20年前比起來,按鍵的確是多了不少啊,哈哈 Comparing to 20 years ago, there are exactly more buttons, haha 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
圖片來源:父親攝影 |
雖然內部不是像皮卡丘那種柔柔的鵝蛋黃,但是也還沒有到難看的地步,也不會螢光到讓眼睛刺眼,何況黃色就是會讓我想起我的第一台Game Boy Mini(下圖手中),不但黑白,還是裝小號電池的…… 想當初和老弟趁著暑假,只穿著小內衣和小短褲,迫不及待地拿著存了不知道幾年的紅包衝到書局去買人生中第一台遊戲機…… 這究竟需要多大的決心和勇氣啊!真是要為我們自己大力鼓掌!(誒誒誒!被踢飛……)
Although it's not the soft yellow as outside, it's actually not that bad.
Yellow color does remind me my first Game Boy (below, in my hand), it was black-white, even with small batteries... It also reminds me of that summer, in which my younger brother and I in underwear and short pants ran secretly to a book shop next by to buy our first Game Boy of our life... What kind of courage and determination we needed, to finish this task?! I definitely need to make a huge compliment to us in that time! (Hehehe... )
下載好久!等死奴妾了! How come did it take you so long, your majesty?! 圖片來源:自行攝影 |
Next step was to download my Pokemon Moon with this extremely slow with bad quality German Internet... Trainers in Taiwan and Hong-Kong have already begun their journeys! Rabbit Wei couldn't lose from the starting line, after all, I am determined to be a Pokemon Master!
人生中第一次超有愛的開箱就獻給我的童年回憶+新人生小目標 - 成為神奇寶貝大師了!獻給二十年來,依舊持續冒險的大家,以及順便預告之後可能冒險中導致網誌拖稿……
Anyway, my first unboxing blog was dedicated to my childhood, plus new life-goal: Pokemon Master! Hugs to everyone, who still carry on their adventures with their Pokemons after these 20 years!
p.s. 阿旭獅很擔心小緯兔會變成遊戲中毒者……,但是小緯兔真的是手邊有新遊戲才會如此沒日沒夜地玩呀……,何況,從以下照片看來,小緯兔從小就神奇寶貝不離身了……(攤手)
p.s. Lion Xu has been worried that rabbit Wei could be addicted to video games..., but I do really play that hard when I just get my new games...
However, according to the following pictures, rabbit Wei did take Pokemon with him to everywhere...
圖片來源:父親攝影 |
圖片來源:父親攝影 |
圖片來源:父親攝影 |