
夜深何處去,何不來SUB聚聚? Where to go? Why not SUB?


Everytime when I come to a new city, except of visiting all the touristic spotlights; I always wonder, how the citizens of this city spend their evenings and nights.
Is it peaceful like a silent night, or sparkling like Madonna's concert?


As the third biggest city in Germany, there's definitely no lack of night life in Munich!
All these kinds of informations around Munich, such as food, drink, clubs, transportation etc., shall be one of the most important themes of this blog.
I will be delightful to hear some thoughts or comments from you as well!


As one of the pioneers in Europe, Germany does walk in the front of LGBT humane rights supporters; therefore, the german folks do generally accept LGBT discussion and concepts. Night life scenes like discos, bars, restaurants, etc. which are focus on LGBT clients are also pretty common in big cities.
(Unfortunately, even though in recent years many european countries did more efforts to support LGBT rights, such as legal homosexual marriage and children adoption; however, Germany, this time, didn't move forward, instead of going further, it still sticks with its life-partner bills, which was established in 2001. That's also the reason, why recently many german LGBT groups try to pressure politicians. So far some taiwanese politicians also use this kind of old-fashion bill to stall LGBT groups in Taiwan, it's quite obvious that they want us to make the same wrong detour like Germany did 14 years ago!)

今天我想要介紹(推薦)我在慕尼黑最常去作客的一間酒吧 - SUB!
SUB,全名為SUB Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München e.V. 

Today, I would like to introduce (recommend) you one of the most visited bars in Munich - SUB!
SUB, the full name is Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München e.V.
I believe some of you might already think: "Gosh! What a lousy name for a bar it is?!"
In fact, SUB is actually one of the biggest LGBT institutes in Munich!

基於1980開始的同志遊行訴求(CSD, Christopher Street Day-Demostration),1986年起,慕尼黑的所有同志團體皆由一個非營利組織來領頭協辦,也就是我們的SUB。1986年成立後,一開始在找尋適當的「家」時,曾遭遇幾次波折,從Auenstraße搬到Müllerstraße,在Müllerstraße上也搬了好幾次家,直至2011年,才在我們目前的位置上安居:Müllerstraße 14號。

Based on LGBT parade (CSD, Christopher Street Day-Demonstration) since 1980, in 1986 SUB was founded as an non-profit organization for all LGBT groups in the city. Since 1986 SUB had been looking for a right place to settle down, from Auenstraße to Müllerstraße, from 44. to 38. and then from 43. to 14. in 2011, where it locates now.


Except of providing diverse LGBT information, holding different kinds of activities and lectures, SUB also provides art exhibits, a library, legal and psychological counsel and HIV-prevention services. There're also plenties of interesting groups to join in.
As the pioneer of LGBT movement, of course there's no lack of diverse events: LGBT Street feast like Hans-Sachs-Straßenfest, CSD organization every year and LGBT Ball in the city hall pro year etc., they're all in the working range of SUB.
However, today's main point is also really important, the SUB café!

SUB café的最大理念是讓造訪的人們感受到歸屬感,也因此,咖啡酒吧的大小事全是由個人志工或團體來營運,並將收入轉變成讓慕尼黑同志運動繼續成功下去的基金!

The core of SUB café is to make people who visit us feel belongingness; therefore, this café is actually run by volunteers, and they turn all the profit into the foundation of continuing LGBT movement in Munich!
SUB café is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year from 7 p.m. (It starts at 3 p.m. already on Saturday.) with our friendly volunteers. In here you can find diverse snacks and drinks, and participate all different special theme-events, such as cakes and coffee on Saturday afternoon, the Karaoke competition on every first Saturday of the month. And there're also parties, when it's time for Carnival and Halloween!

SUB café位於Müllerstraße 14號的地面樓層。其抵達方式也相當簡單,搭乘地鐵前來的朋友們,乘坐U3/6到Sendlinger Tor後,轉乘地面電車16或18一站(站名即Müllerstraße),再向前步行不到兩分鐘,就能看見窗上貼著斗大「OPEN HEARTS」的SUB大門了!

SUB café locates at the ground floor of Müllerstraße 14.. It's pretty easy to get there: First, take underground U3/6 to Sendlinger Tor, then change to tram 16 or 18 for only one stop (which's exactly called Müllerstraße), then walk along the street for less than two minutes. So you will see the huge slogan "OPEN HEARTS" in front of the main door of SUB!


Other information of SUB can be found on the official website and Facebook page.


Next time when you're after school or work and wanna grab a drink comfortably, or when you're just at home on the weekend and getting bored, why don't you come to SUB and meet some new friends? I believe, we won't let you down! Perhaps, you can even see me serving you a drink!

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