
世界愛滋病日 - 終結愛滋特快車 World AIDS Day - On the fast track to end AIDS


When someone asks you:
"Do you know what day it is on 10th Oct., 31st Oct. and 1st Dec.?"
I believe everyone can ring the bell in just one second.
10th Oct. is the national day, 31st Oct. the Halloween....
Wait! What is then 1st Dec.?


On 1st Dec., 1981, the first medical case of AIDS was confirmed, then in 1988, it was decided to make this day World AIDS Day. However, because of lack of information, inappropriate education and wrong discrimination, it's not well known in many countries.


Yesterday I read an article about AIDS education.
Same as the author, I was one of the 80's; therefore, it's not unfamiliar at all for me about public health education and seminar around all campuses. In the other word, the blind spot and unreasonable contents were also commonly witnessed.
From "studying alone at home" from my parent's generation, to the text books with delicate pictures which I was reading; the truth is, we kind of only learned the words in the books, so that we can choose the right answers on our papers. Without experience could be the biggest issue in my generation. But how many teachers are really willing to take out a condom and show it to all classes?


HIV can be transferred through body fluid, sharing needles and mother-to-child transmission, which we could remember perfectly before the final exam, is actually a simple proof of incompleteness of this kind of information.
Isn't saliva body fluid? So if I talk to HIV positive or share spoon with them, I will get HIV?!
Mothers with HIV can give it to their babies, so they should consider abortion right away, right?
The answers for above questions are definitely: NO!
HIV could be transferred through saliva (or swear and tear), only if you take at least 6 liter saliva from a HIV positive person at once! Never mind if you are courageous enough to drink 6 liter saliva from someone else, isn't that a big question, if someone's willing to give you 6 liter of his/her saliva?
And, if mothers with HIV do take continuously medication, because HIV don't transfer through genes, their babies can be just healthy as others.


In Taiwan and some other more close countries about this kind of information, AIDS is usually a disease with full discrimination. Schools and our families taught as that if someone gets this disease, the he or she will just die. In fact, if the carrier just continuously has his/her medication, he or she can just live as healthy as other people. Not willing to confront the propagation of information and education makes most of people call AIDS "that kind" of disease and call the carriers "that kind" of people, and makes it sound like everyone with HIV lives in a life of profligacy. Aren't the carrier infected by blood transmission and babies, who got HIV from their mothers, just too innocent to be tagged with this kind of label? Besides, everyone hat his/her right to live in his/her own way.



This year, Taiwan's government erected its first red ribbon decoration in front of the CDC. Also, Taiwan's government finally abandoned the discriminate bill of expelling all HIV positive foreigner from this country without any consideration. This also shows us the other kind of progress that we are making in this small island.
To create a zero discrimination atmosphere in our society is the main purpose of World AIDS Day. Through commemoration and right education of sex and AIDS, maybe one day we will be able to create a world with the disease.



As one of the pioneer countries, Germany do gather people on the squares of its main cities on 1st Dec. for a candle walk through the cities. This year, the candle walk in Munich was held on Odeonsplatz and then walked along to St. Lucas next to the Isar. Besides this action, the whole world provides citizens a lot of methods to show their supports.

From November of each year, people in Germany are able to buy a AIDS-Teddy as donation. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, also made announcement on Twitter to show supports from each retail store in the world; also, there're special actions from Apple online store and iOS App store.

Below there're sites, where you can get to know more about AIDS, while we are actually making this world a better place!




4 則留言:

  1. 好可愛的愛滋小熊,我喜歡!

    1. 對啊!而且每年都有不同的可愛設計!我看到就立馬買下了!

  2. 往往有些人.以訛傳訛.不懂裝懂.將它惡名化..那是一,二十年前醫學尚未研究報導宣傳的悲哀..反觀現代醫學發達.現代人不該對"愛滋人"另眼相看.他們只是像高血壓患者一樣.按時服藥.並無兩樣啊!請大家別再迷失了!

    1. 說得真是太好了!之前看過有人寫過一段話:「如果歧視是一種病,知識就是它的解藥。」真是一點也不假!
