I believe everybody is familiar with the castle in the opening of all Disney animation!
But, where did it come from?
The answer is located in southern Germany. The famous "Neuschwanstein"!
下令建造此座遠近馳名的夢幻城堡的是巴伐利亞王國的第四任國王 - 路德維希二世 (Ludwig II. 全名:Ludwig Otto Friedrich Wilhelm von Wittelsbach)。
As one of the most famous touristic spots, there're a lot of stories around Neuschwanstein.
It was the fourth king of Bavaria, Ludwig II. (full named Ludwig Otto Friedrich Wilhelm von Wittelsbach), who ordered to build this castle.
On 25th August, 1845, Ludwig II was born in Castle Nymphenburg, Munich, then ascended the throne on 10th March, 1864. He made plenty of projects for building castles, among all of them, "Neuschwanstein", "Linderhof" and "Herrenchiemsee" are the most famous ones.
On 13th June, 1886, he died next to Starnberger See, suburb from Munich.
(The history of Ludwig II along with Wittelsbach Family and the rest of above mentioned castles and spotlights, shall be introduced later in this blog!)
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Neuschwanstein locates next to Füssen, a small southern german town in Bavaria, which takes around two hours to reach from Munich.
Ludwig II. always adored the stories of knights in middle age, plus most of european royals were fancy to rebuild the ancient fortresses or raise new castles in middle age style. All of these indirectly influenced the plan of Ludwig II. to build Neuschwanstein in the future. However, the main reasons, why Neuschwanstein was made up, were the trip to Wartburg and the effect from Wagner's opera.
1867年,路德維希二世與其胞弟奧圖一世拜訪了位於德國圖林根邦,艾森納赫的瓦特堡,其修復後的宴會廳建築以及外觀都讓路德維希二世倍感深刻。另外,由於路德維希二世深愛理查.華格納(Wilhelm Richard Wagner)的作品,因此立志創造出同華格納歌劇中那日耳曼傳說幻想世界,尤其是「唐懷瑟」以及「羅恩格林」兩部作品影響最深。在1858年五月路德維希二世與華格納的私人書信中,路德維希二世就曾寫道:「我打算將修瓦高城的遺跡重建成一座真正的中古德意志騎士城堡。」
1867, Ludwig II. and his younger brother, Otto I., visited Wartburg in Eisenach, Thürigen. The rebuilt feast lobby and the exterior amazed him. On the other hand, Ludwig II adored the works of Richard Wagner, so he was determined to create a german legendary world as it is in Wagner's opera, especially "Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg" and "Lohengrin". In one private letter of May 1858 between Ludwig II. and Wagner, Ludwig wrote: "I would like to rebuild the ruin of Hohenschwangau into a real ancient german castle in middle age style."
1868, after the death of Ludwig I., the grandfather of Ludwig II., he was able to control more parts of financial resources of his country to build his dream castles. Christian Jank and Eduard von Riedel were the designer for Neuschwanstein. However, because of the passion of Ludwig II for this castle, every draft needed to be approved from the king before execution. In the other word, for Neuschwanstein, Ludwig II was actually a more powerful and decisive "First Designer".
To Ludwig II, Neuschwanstein must be a livable scene of opera, so it was also seen as a certification of the true friendship between the kind of Richard Wagner. The cabinet was even made as the second scene of "Lohengrin". Besides, there're Throne Hall and Hall of the Singers, the biggest rooms in Neuschwanstein, which express perfectly the atmosphere of the middle age and courtly love. The first presentation in this room was the concert of celebrating Wagner's 50th birthday after his death in 1933.
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Neuschwanstein was started to build in 1869. Because of the change of the drafts and the financial funding, the castle, which was estimated to be finished in 1872, has never completely been finished. Even only 14 of all 360 rooms were finished, from 1884, Ludwig II was already able to live in this castle. However, there were only 172 days, which the King did spend in Neuschwanstein. Because of the building projects, Ludwig II. actually spent all his saving and the most of his exchequer. The former budget of 3.2 million Marks was already doubled before the king's death. In 1883, the king was already living with debts of 7 million marks; therefore, he was forced to abdicate on 9th June, 1886, and ironically, in Neuschwanstein.
自國王死後六個禮拜開始開放民眾參觀以來,造訪新天鵝堡的旅客人數一直不斷向上攀升。根據統計,光是2013年就有一百五十二萬多的人來到這座未完工的夢幻城堡!目前新天鵝堡的管理部門隸屬於巴伐利亞城堡管理委員會(Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung)。為了吸引觀光人潮,其也將巴伐利亞邦定位成「城堡之邦」。(Schlösserland Bayern)
After six weeks from the king's death, the castle was opened to public, from that moment, the number of visitors is always climbing. According to the statistic, there were already more than 1.5 million of visitors came to this unfinished dream castle! Nowadays the Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung is responsible for Neuschwanstein. In order to get more touristic attention, Bavaria is also called as Schlösserland Bayern, the land of castles.
若你對迪士尼動畫裡灰姑娘與睡美人悠走的城堡情有獨鍾,不妨參觀一下它真正的現世藍圖吧!最方便的出發點自然是德國大城慕尼黑了。從慕尼黑主火車站搭乘地區性火車至富森,再轉搭公車到城堡山腳下的售票亭。由於參觀城堡有時間上的限制,打算入堡參觀的旅客可得注意上山的時間!上山的方法除了步行以外,還可以搭乘公車與馬車。無論你是以何種方式上山,途中都必定會經過特別受觀光客喜愛的拍照點 - 瑪莉恩橋(Marienbrücke),從那裡可以自遠處,將整座城堡與大自然風光一同收入眼底!
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Here's the link of Neuschwanstein. If you plan to visit, you can check the opening hours first. Also, in the bottom line of this blog and above the introduction of Author, you can also book your Deutsche Bahn train tickets with simple clicks!