今天我們就來介紹德南的著名學府 - 慕尼黑大學。
In Uk, we have Cambridge and Oxford.
In USA, we have Harvard and other Ivy League colleges.
What do we have in Germany?
Today I'm going to introduce one of the most famous university in southern Germany - LMU.
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慕尼黑大學的正式官方名稱為 - 路德維希-馬克西米連大學(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
其於西元1472年,由當時的巴伐利亞-蘭茲胡特公爵路德維希九世(Herzog Ludwig IX.)成立,並在因哥斯塔特(Ingolstadt)落地生根(沒錯!慕尼黑大學一開始並不在慕尼黑喔!)
1800年,因為法國人的勢力擴張,當時的公爵馬克西米連四世(也就是之後的第一任巴伐利亞國王馬克西米連一世 - Maximilian I. Joseph)將大學遷往蘭茲胡特(Landshut),並於西元1802年正式改名為路德維希-馬克西米連大學,以紀念創辦者路德維希九世和之後的巴伐利亞國王馬克西米連一世。慕尼黑大學設址於蘭茲胡特的時間並不長,西元1826年,路德維希一世將大學遷至王國首府慕尼黑,直到今日。
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It was founded in 1472 by the duke of Bayern-Landshut - Ludwig IX. in Ingolstadt. (It's right! Munich University wasn't founded in Munich at the beginning!)
In 1800, because of the pressure from the Frenchs, duke Maximilian IV. (also known as the first king of Bavarian Maximilian I. Joseph) decided to transfer the university to Landshut, and in 1802 the name of the university was officially settled as Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität to honor the founder Ludwig IX. and the duke himself Maximilian IV.. LMU didn't stay long in Landshut. In 1862 it was transferred to Munich, where it still stands today.
慕尼黑大學另一段值得提及的歷史還包含了反納粹的學生團體 - 白色玫瑰。
漢斯.索爾(Hans Scholl)
蘇菲.索爾(Sophie Scholl)
克里斯多福.波普斯特(Christoph Probst)
亞歷山大.許莫瑞(Alexander Schmorell)
庫特.胡伯(Prof. Kurt Huber)
威利.格拉夫(Willi Graf)
There's also another historic page of LMU worthy to mention about: the anti-Nazi student group - White Rose.
Its main leaders include:
Hans Scholl
Sophie Scholl
Christoph Probst
Alexander Schmorell
Prof. Kurt Huber
Willi Graf
他們在1942年六月至1943年二月間,於大學陸續發送了六份未具名的反納粹傳單,希望喚起更多群眾加入反抗希特勒政權的行列。可惜的是,1943年二月十八日,當索爾兄妹意圖在大學大廳四處散佈傳單時,被當時的管理員雅各.施密特(Jakob Schmid)發現並通報秘密警察(又俗稱蓋世太保),帶往慕尼黑秘密警察總部監禁。
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During the interrogation, Sophie Scholl was trying to take all responsibilities on herself; however, GESTAPO found the script of Christoph Probst in Hans Scholl's pocket. On 22nd February, 1943, three of them were sentenced to death. The other three members mentioned above were also later executed in June and October.
In order to honor these heroes for their courage to against NSDAP, the two main squares in front of the main building of LMU are named "Geschwister-Scholl-Platz" and "Professor-Huber-Platz", on the ground there're flyers made from marble as monument, just like the hope once spread by White Rose. On the wall of the main hall, there are also monument with all the names and one statue of Sophie Scholl. Everyday, there're fresh roses, to remind us not let this historical tragedy happen again. Who wants to know more about the history of White Rose, can also visit the museum of White Rose next to the main hall for free.
After the rebuild and student movement of 60', LMU keep growing, now the campus includes the area of the main building, Großhadern in southern Munich. Also, there's plenty of researching hospitals and other faculties, which are located in many sections of the city.
Right now there're 20 faculties, around 750 Professors and about 50000 students in LMU.
LMU's also a member of elite universities in Germany and is always on the boards of Academic Ranking of World Universities and Times Higher Education World University Rankings. This year, it lands separately on 52nd and 29th, the national ranking landed on 3rd and 1st!
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After having visited all touristic spots in the city center, why not try to get closer to the life of local students and get to know more about the history of the university?
For those interested, you can also visit the homepage of LMU. Besides, they also have a souvenir shop near to the main building area. If you like to collect university specialized souvenirs, don't miss that!