
慕尼黑跨年夜-小巷內的戰場 Silvester in Munich - A battle field in narrow streets


People all around of the world celebrate on 31. Dec. to welcome a whole new year, and of course, there's no exception in Germany!
Although there's no special tradition like eating grapes in Spain and there's no huge firework-show in Munich like Brandenburger Tor in Berlin and Taipei 101, we still remember to give ourselves a special treat for this special day!



This year we were invited to celebrate Silvester by friends, everyone brought delicious dishes and made the tiny table a feast hall! From appetizer to soup, then from main course to dessert and cheese plates, plus almost unlimited wine and hangover bombs.... 

By the countdown, making the first note of 2016 with opening Champaign and toasting with glasses was also unforgettable!



Another special point worthy mentioning is that German aren't allowed to buy fireworks easily. Fireworks can only be sold three days before the new year and can be only played during Silvester; however, in my personal opinion, this policy only let the deeply pressed desire of playing fire from german People explode in these few hours...
In Taiwan, at least most of people, we do choose the open areas next to rivers or plazas to play firework (Except of celebrations of temples, which I personally disagree.) ; however, German ignite them in front of their own houses, no matter how narrow the streets are, no matter how many people are gathering on the streets! Some children throw firework to the driving cars, some fireworks could fly into 2nd floor, and some even get into the underground station! Last night, when we were watching fireworks at the 5th floor, I could clearly see the neighbors across the street lightning a huge rocket below us, which made me worried if the wind had changed, it might have come to us! After that, we went down to the street, there were already many people, who ignited everything they had and let the sparks spread everywhere on the street, including the curtains of restaurants! What I could do at the moment was asking myself: Aren't they afraid of burning them?!


Except of the terror-attack alarm, which made the transportation suspended for hours, we peacefully said farewell to 2015 and open our arms for 2016! From fighting for the food on the table to the battlefield on the narrow street. ''Life is a battle field" did come true in an interesting way...

2 則留言:

  1. 看到這些美食,嘴饞了呢!真有過節的感覺呢!
