Comparing to all those articles about traveling, this topic is far heavier...
On 13th Nov. IS terrorists attacked multi places in Paris:
Stadium, theater, restaurants and stands were all in smokes...
圖片來源:三立新聞網 |
When the news came on FB, it was already the time to sleep, so when I actually followed it, it was already the noon of the next day.
According to the investigation, one of the terrorists was refugee, who came into France one month ago. One month before France accepted him with humane reason, one month after he repaid them with guns and blood.
圖片來源:聯合新聞網 |
One of the reasons why german people are worried about refugee is, no one can guarantee there's no terrorist in all these refugees. After all, thanks to the high technology of these days, it's not that difficult to have a fake identity, is it?
According to the french police, some of them came from Greece, pretending to be refugees.
It reminded me, when I was in Greece in September, there were so many refugees, who headed to Germany. It also made me think, what if they had suddenly decided to blow Athen up? Would I still be here?
On 5th Nov., german police arrested a man on the train from Salzburg to Munich, who held automatic weapons and bombs.
Even it hasn't been proved to be related to IS, it already made me wonder, how many lives could be vanished if he got through the border?!
Could Bavaria have been the abandoned target?
圖片來源:蘋果即時 |
For us who have been grown up in Taiwan, it's hard to understand this kind of religious fanaticism.
Once I was told, every religion in the world is trying to persuade mankind to do something good.
Unfortunately I cannot feel any kind of humanity from what IS has been doing so far:
gased common people, LGBT folks who were stoned to death, and now the victims in Paris...
What kind of book can decide who's qualified to live and who isn't?
What kind of afterworld can be more important than our lives right now, right here?
1. 「在眾人持續關注巴黎恐攻的同時,又有多少人知道同時間在中東國家或是中國新疆因恐怖攻擊或政府鎮壓而傷亡的人數?」
I read two comments on Facebook this morning, and they did make me think a little bit:
1. "Most of people are continually concerning the terror attack in Paris, but how many people do know that in the other side of the world, like Mid-East or XinJiang in China, there were more people who were suppressed and killed?"
My personal opinion is, as one of the european cultural centers, it's hard not to take France as a spotlight; plus, chinese government do block all these kinds of information, and most of Mid-East countries are still following their own appeasement policy. It's not only because of the difficulty to collect information, but also the lack of rationality of evoking sympathy. After all, people who only cry for France didn't do anything wrong, but the killers and the terrorists.
2. 「大家都打出“Pray for Paris”的字樣,難道你們不知道,這些恐怖份子就是以宗教為由殺人的嗎?我們應該鄙棄所有宗教,而不是用宗教字眼來表達同情!」
2. "Everybody postes "Pray for Paris" on his/her Facebook! Don't you know that IS kill people in religion's name? We should suspend all religions instead of expressing our sympathy!"
圖片來源:Berliner Zeitung |
To be honest, I don't support any kind of religion, but I do know that it's impossible to erase religion from our society. Perhaps we can find the right definition of "religion" in dictionaries, but everyone still has his/her interpretation. Should I criticized that only the religions, which help people to do something good, are religion, and the otherwise not? What I always believe is, the wrong side is the one who kills, not religions.
The day after the terror attack in Paris, my boyfriend and I had already planned to go for a movie in a normal Saturday evening.
"After all of this, we're still walking on the main street, going to a movie... It just feels a little bit awkward..." said my boyfriend.
"I cannot stop you thinking in that way, but what I do know is that if I just get afraid and do not live in the way I want to, they won." I silently replied.
圖片來源:Berliner Zeitung |
We should live with dignity. And it should include the mental courage against terrorism, right?
Thanks for this good article
回覆刪除Thanks for your comment too. I hope it's helpful for you :)
其實做出幫助美帝常駐中東決策的,何嘗不是那些坐在保鑣身旁的政客們?! 政客的決定,後果卻是平民在承擔! 目前德國總理在回應法國的恐攻事件上,也尚未對難民議題表達看法......