Today's the day that X'mas market starts! I believe everyone is excited about to see all the decorations shine under the dark night, right?
Before we head to the markets, why not check the last three markets in Munich out?
10. Dachauer Christkindlmarkt
地點:Dachau (S2 Dachau Bahnhof)
圖片來源:自行攝影 |
圖片來源:自行攝影 |
圖片來源:自行攝影 |
Coming to Dachau, besides of trying your luck and getting away from the crowds in the city, the decorated trees along the main street could also give you a special X'mas atmosphere.
11. Bogenhauser Weihnachtzauberwald
地點:Arabellapark (U4 Arabellapark)
圖片來源:自行攝影 |
First, just forget how inconvenient it is to get here, the name of the X'mas market is just so exaggerated....
If only few trees without leaves could be called magical forest, I think the ancient German, who lived in forest, should definitely cry, right?!
圖片來源:自行攝影 |
圖片來源:自行攝影 |
Even they did have done some works on the decoration, it still can't cover the ugly truth that it's surrounded by concrete buildings.
The number of stands and visitors is really rare. Although what I wrote so far is actually telling people not to go there, what makes me more curious is, if they are still going to be able to hold another market next year?
12. Weihnachtsmarkt am Chinaturm
地點:Chinesischer Turm (Bus 54/154 Chinesischer Turm)
圖片來源:自行攝影 |
圖片來源:自行攝影 |
Next to the china tower in the English garten, there's a most "christmas" X'mas markt in Munich! Everything you should have in a X'mas market, you can definitely get here, plus the natural view around, there's actually nothing to complain! Especially when it snows, it even makes you believe that you're enjoying your warm Glühwein in the forest!
The stands here also offer multiple choices of foods, drinks and souvenirs. From candles and toys made from wood, from german sausages to french pancakes. After all, the bus stop is just two minutes away, what kind of reason should stop you visiting here?
圖片來源:自行攝影 |
Kaufhof (德國最大的百貨公司之一,網路上購物常有優惠喔!)
Karstadt (同上,德國百貨公司龍頭之一,網路購物的服務也算不錯。)
Käthe Wohlfahrt (源自巴伐利亞羅騰堡的著名聖誕裝飾品店,如今大家不用親自跑到羅騰堡,就可以在網路上購買到許多精緻美麗的裝飾品喔!)
eBay (沒錯!你沒看錯!eBay也在網路上特別開了一大區專賣聖誕節裝飾與禮品!)
Amanzon (網購龍頭之一的亞馬遜,自然也不落人後囉!時不時還能撿到便宜呢!)
In the end, I would also like to suggest some great platforms to purchase your own christmas decorations! You can easily click the links above and take a look! Sometimes you can even find some sales actions! GOOD LUCK!